So now now not only are the rich going to be poorer, they are going to be uglier. As it socket them with higher medicare tax and in tax gona gang on the fancy-to-fancy, price-to-price healthy care plan, that is not enough, we are not a numb. The senate Health Care Bill aims to cash in on their conceit. I kid you not. That’s right. It levies a 5% tax on elective cosmetic surgery. Just call that Bo tax. So for the focus who are no doubt ageing fast because they are paying all of these taxes. No relief inside if they want to at least look good while they are. Because for every shot under their eyes, another tax shot in their, you know what, only that gonna kick their head.
所以现在富人不仅仅变得越来越穷,他们也变得越来越丑陋 。更高的医疗保险税准备涉足这一由价格说了算的健康护理计划,这是不够的,我们不是傻子 。参议院卫生保健法案旨在利用他们的自负 。我不骗你 。没错 。整容手术征收5%的税 。我们就称它为肉毒杆菌素 。所以焦点无疑是那些为此付所有这些税的人正在迅速老化 。他们想得到的救济是至少让自己看起来更好 。因为每一道他们眼睛下的皱纹,就是另一笔他们要花费的开销,你知道,这让有钱人焦头烂额 。
You are trying to look good as your wallets being cleaned out good. And you are hit with another good all tax for the effort. The Senate Bill estimated that this elective cosmetic tax alone could raise 5 billion bucks, kind of its new meaning in the term libel sexual. 5 billion bucks? That is a lot of eye jobs and that is a lot of breast jobs. So my only question is who is getting the snow job? The boobs paying the taxes, or the boobs impose them. Talk it among yourselves.