锡拉丘兹大学前助理教练Bernie Fine的老婆Laurie Fine 涉嫌与球员发生过非常关系,而当时他们还是球童
。球员Davis称Laurie Fine与多名球员曾有过关系,并且这是大家都知道的事,是大家茶余饭后的笑点 。Davis says, Given that it appeared to be common knowledge among the players, a routine source of jokes and conversation among them, and given Bernie Fine's own knowledge of it, I find it impossible to believe Jim Boeheim, the head coach, did not also hear or learn that Laurie Fine had inappropriate sexual relations with players.
戴维斯说道:考虑到这看起来是运动员之中的经常发生的笑话和各种趣谈,而且这位教练也承认其属实,但我很难相信主教练吉姆没有听到任何球员间的风吹草动 。
This is both desperate and disgusting. It's an example of irresponsible and unprofessional lawyering. It's a lawyer flaring about to keep a line, a dying lawsuit.
这给人两种感觉,一种是绝望,而另一种则是恶心 。这是没有专业律师介入和不负责任的很好的例子 。律师曾经介入,阻止事态严重化,但这名糟糕的律师却起到任何作用 。
At least for the Ms.charged,
Just the week after the rule, only a limitation is criminal charges against Bernie Fine. Davis and his stepfather filed the civil suit,they claimed Jim Boeheim defend them. I call them wires out for money at the immediate wake of story. They hid and kept themselves distance from those comments, and apologize to the two vulnerable ball boys as more information came out.
仅仅一周,对这位夫人只是进行了刑事起诉 。戴维斯和他的继父提出了民事诉讼,他们声称吉姆为他们辩护 。我叫他们此事筹钱 。他们隐藏自己,远离这些评论,之后为两名弱小球童们也牵涉在内的消息不胫而走而道歉 。
There is no point to this. No point. The Davis made reference to another individual's sexual misconduct. Well Gees, how come that person isn't named by.
这是没有意义的 。没有意义 。戴维斯提到另一个人也有这种行为 。为什么那人没有被判刑呢…