2008年排名《娱乐周刊》“最被看好的30岁以下的30位演员”第21名。身高1米70的乔纳·希尔1983年12月20日出生在加州洛杉矶,全名是Jonah 乔纳·希尔Hill Feldstein,他在新学院大学学习戏剧课程,2004年在《我爱哈克比》中出演配角。之后打入贾德·阿帕图的“帮派”,在《超级坏》等片中表演出色。一举成名。他的哥哥Jordan Feldstein是著名乐队Maroon 5的经理人。他和达斯汀·霍夫曼的孩子Rebecca和Jake都是好朋友。
A:Now there's a dramatically different you.
A:I mean.
B::I cut my hair. Is that what you're talking about, right.
A:You cut your hair and it just make you look like you drop 30 pounds.
A:Is that what it is? Because this, that was it.
B:It's just re... I've a really incredible hairstyle. Yes, Yeah.
A:Did you have a secret, did you do the Seth Rogen Diet?
B:I don't know what Seth did, I know, I think Seth went to this trainer, I went to this nutritionist, and he really helped me understand nutrition.
A:Can you still eat pizza?
B:No,God no.
A:Oh,then I'm sad, I'm just sad.
B:Yeah,it's just a bummer.
A:That's the only thing I couldn't give up.
B:That' the one, well, yeah, basically, he had you write down the things that you, like your favorite food, and it' was like my, it was the menu of a six-year-old birthday party, it was like chicken fingers and pizza, you know, like absurd things for an adult person to be consuming, and, yeah, and you know, it was unique, and it was interesting to learn about and it was just something I have really gravitated towards and made a part of my existence.
A:What's the favorite of your new food?
B:New ones?
B:You know, it's funny, coz I used to never eat, I used to literally don't think I ever eat vegetables,
A:And now they're there, now the union and broccoli are your ....
B:And now it tastes good to me, that's the only one that I actually liked before.
B:That was the one when you're a kid, you know, the usually one you can tolerate, that was my one, like I could like tolerate, and now I eat a lot of Japanese food, and they cook the vegetables with soy sauces. The stuff is good.
dramatically adv.戏剧性地; 引人注目地
drop v.减
incredible adj.难以置信的
nutritionist n.营养学家
nutrition n.营养
absurd adj.不合理的, 荒谬的
gravitate vi.沉下, 下降
soy sauces 酱油