David Robert Joseph Beckham (大卫·罗伯特·约瑟夫·贝克汉姆),他是一名英格兰足球运动员,前任英格兰代表队队长,目前效力于美国洛杉矶银河队。曾于1999年及2001年夺得世界足球先生亚军,是运动品牌阿迪达斯的代言人。贝克汉姆在球场上司职右前卫或中前卫,最著名的是他右脚精准的长传、传中和极其出色的定位球,在俱乐部和国家队生涯中都以此获得了大量助攻和进球。南非世界杯英格兰出局后,英国媒体力挺贝克汉姆出任国家队主教练,他本人也表示愿意执教英格兰队,但条件还未成熟,他目前仍然非常支持卡佩罗留任。
A:On tap for Lips & Ears, Liz Smith dishes about soccer hottie David Beckham, is he taking the world by storm?
B:There is a brand new book out about a guy who took the world by storm — David Beckham, the golden boy of soccer. Everybody was pretty shocked when he signed the five-year contract with the Los Angeles Galaxy team, and left his great British fans in the lurch. Hollywood, however, was just a place for David Beckham and his wife, the former Posh Spice, Victoria Beckham, she of the inevitable high heels and anorexic body. But David Beckham has yet to turn the world on entirely with his sports injuries and other injuries to his reputation. He has yet to conquer the US. Now this book tells a lot about what goes on in the locker room and what those teammates actually think of David Beckham, who is calling all the shots. Meantime, whether David Beckham is a big killer in the sports world, he has become a success in la la land. He has become friends with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. And they have all deviled in Scientology. He also is included in the circle of Will Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith. This book calls David Beckham the world's most famous athlete. Well, I wouldn't say in the world, I think David Beckham still has to conquer the US of A.
A:Urn, he's definitely a hottie. Thanks so much Liz, and remember from your lips to our ears, we've got you covered.
leave sb in the lurch 弃于危难之中
dish vi.闲谈
hottie n.性感男人,帅哥
conquer v.占领
teammate n. 队友
call the shot 作最后决定、下命令
la la land= Los Angles 洛杉矶
Scientology n. 山达基教