Can you imagine yourself within the mirror, saying perfect?
I feel that way, now.
我有这样的感觉,现在 。
I really do feel that way.
我真的有这样的感觉 。
Nothing else you twig, touch?
No, no, there is nothing else I…
But Heidi, Heidi, you're addicted to the plastic surgery.
但海蒂,海蒂,你沉迷于整形手术 。
I've better to love it and I appreciate it and I appreciate the science behind it.
我很爱它,我很感激,我也要感谢其背后的科学 。
I mean, how incredible has, you know, have we been blessed even have the surgery that we have it so advanced. I mean, if Cleopatra were alive now, I'm sure she'd have triple D's and all the works done like, like a lot of people I know, but…there's always been a struggle between pain and beauty. I feel like since the beginning of time.
我的意思是,多么让人难以置信,你知道,我们很幸运,我们甚至接受如此先进的手术治疗 。我的意思是,如果克利奥帕特拉现在还活着,我肯定她会有三维的,如果她做了手术,像很多人一样,我知道,但是…总是有一种痛苦和美丽之间的斗争 。我觉得是自从有了时间就已经开始有这种斗争 。
Would you feel a lot if you are an 80-year-old woman and a 50-year-old woman's body?
Ur, No, I'd feel beautiful.
嗯,不,我会觉得太美了 。
是啊 。
Would be feel odd being an 80-year-old man and a 50-year-old man's body?
I think people would know.
我认为人们会知道 。
Obviously. Especially if you told them.
肯定的 。特别是如果你告诉他们 。
People would know you are old, what you are doing.
人们会知道你上了年岁以及你在做的 。
Well, they feel like, you're old; you are the great. More power to you.
嗯,他们感觉,你老了,你是最伟大的 。你好像更有权力 。
It's part of the process, it's part of the beauty of life. We grow little and we get to a certain age then we wither away. It's kind of…
这是过程的一部分,它是生命的美好 。我们变老,我们到达一定年龄,我们随之消亡 。这是一种…
是啊 。
But you seemed you're resisting them.
但似乎你在反抗他们 。
Well, you wither away, either way, on identic day you die, so I think that process is evitable. It's how you wanna age that is your choice and that's the beauty of modern science. And this life that we've been born and free will, you know, it's a beautiful thing in my opinion that we have that choice.
嗯,你的消亡,不管怎样,某一天你死了,所以我认为过程是必然的 。这是自然而然的结果,是你的选择,这是现代科学之美 。这样的生活,我们已经出生,自由意志已经决定,你知道,这是在我看来一个美丽的东西,我们有那样的选择 。