I need a baker, it's known for her--incredible voice,
the eight-time grammy winners back up to a wave too long
She is now going on tours.
她现在正在旅程当中 。
She is now releasing a new record this fall.
她现在正准备于今年秋天推出新专辑 。
Please welcome. I need a baker.
请欢迎 。我需要一位贝克 。
Uh, it's been much too long.
嗯,很久不见 。
What about all of you?
You know, it has been so long that the song I wrote as well.
你知道,这已经太久,我很久才写一首歌 。
You know, most people know that.
你知道,大多数人都知道 。
You know, I am into next love,
my younger sister comes in and my older sister at Boston at Berkerley College of Music.Em,
I am just trying to busy myself.
我只是想让自己忙碌一点 。
Well, you have been missed, but we've had you along.
嗯,你已经错过了,但我们已经做了你的发展 。
It's not like you are going anywhere in one of your CDs.
在你的CD中你不像是要去其他地方 。
It just, it takes back.
只是,需要回来 。
In fact, someone tweeted me in twitter and they said a little baker's music captures your soul and then enbrace it with sweet love.
事实上,有人推特给我他们表示有点贝克的音乐吸引了你的灵魂,然后用甜蜜的爱去拥抱 。
I love my twitters.
我爱我的推特粉丝们 。
Hi, twitters, coffee cups up.
嗨, 推特粉丝们,来杯咖啡吧 。
You are a little baker but you are going to be at radio city.
你是一个小贝克但你将要在广播行业中开始 。
Yeah! yes, on Sunday the whole band,
we are all going to be at radio city,
kicking off the new record.
开始新专辑 。
We are going to do actually the first single there--radio city was a surprise guest.
我们要做的实际上第一个单曲——广播城是一位惊喜的客人 。
What's coming on now.
现在接下来要发生的 。
You are an extra.
你是独一无二的 。
You know, music, I just called it miracles of music because it's just good for whatelse of me.
你知道,音乐,我称它为音乐奇迹,因为对我来说它非常好 。
You know! And coffee, too.
你知道!而咖啡也是这样 。
You just have he had a few drops,
but when you are doing your ...check earlier,
so you just feel us swinging with you and moving with you and just appreciating you.You know why,
所以你觉得我们与你一起运动并且欣赏你 。你知道为什么,
I was just the energe in this space lately.
我在这个空间只是最近活力十足 。
You guys are just. you have too much fun.
你们只是 。你们有太多的乐趣 。
It's gotta stop. The energy in this place is amazing.
这要停止了 。在这地方的能量是惊人的 。
You just wait.
你只是等就行了 。
We are just started.
我们才刚刚开始 。
We are just getting started.
我们目前才刚刚起步 。