。So, Katie, you are just nine years old, right?
Yes, I’m nine years old and I raise money for children in the hospital.
是的,我九岁,我为医院里的孩子筹钱 。
I know that, and this is an incredible story. You started when you were just…?
我知道,这是一个难以置信的故事 。你几岁的时候开始…?
Six years old.
六岁 。
What made you start, back when you were six?
Well, I was in a store, and I picked up this toy. And then, all of a sudden, I had this idea. And so it just got off and I think I'm doing a real good job with it.
嗯,我是在一家商店里捡到这个玩具 。然后,突然之间,我有了这个想法 。而且这想法也不错,我认为我正在做一个真正的好工作 。
I've done a little research. I've been tracking your numbers year to year. And it's really quite impressive. Can you tell me how much you raised that first year you had this idea?
我已经做了一些研究 。我一直在年复一年的跟踪你的号码 。而且它真的很让人印象深刻 。你能告诉我你有这种想法后第一年的成果吗?
好的 。
And what've you seen since?
Hm, 162 dollars less than two weeks. And then this year I raised 15,708.
嗯,不到两个星期162美元 。然后我今年募集到15708美元 。
15,708 dollars?
My goal was 15,000.
我的目标是15000美元 。
Then so you beat your goal?
Yeah, oh yeah.
是的,哦耶 。
And why have you been such a success story, do you think? I mean, I think when you approach people with your story, they can't help but to join the effort, can they?
Right. Well, first of all, I'm really hard to turn down. And second of all, they just see that there's a girl trying to help the community and they think that that's a really good thing to do.
好的,没有问题 。好的,首先,我真的很难拒绝 。其二,他们看到一个小女孩在帮助社区 。他们会认为这是一件非常好的事要 。
Is there a moment that sticks out in your mind about a visit to the hospital?
We did go to see a child this year. His name is Kevin and he loves crafts and he loves this very special movie. So we got him a Best Buy gift card and then an Amazon gift card, so he can go online and have this stuff shipped to his room.
我们今年确实去看一个孩子 。他的名字是凯文,他很爱工艺品,他很爱这个特殊的电影 。所以我们得到了他最好的礼物卡,然后是一个亚马逊礼物卡,所以他可以上网,把这东西运到他的房间 。
So we dedicate this conversation to Kevin, right?
是的 。
And all the kids that I 'm sure you are gonna help in the year ahead. You're setting an example for all of us who are much older than you.
及所有的孩子,我肯定你会在这一年帮助他们 。你为比你年龄大的人树立了榜样 。
Huh, thank you.
嗯,谢谢你 。
Thank you so much for talking with us and congratulations.
感谢你和我们谈话,祝贺你 。
Thank you.