。他凭借《The Practice》中William Hinks一角赢得艾美奖剧情类最佳客串演员奖 。2006年他因《迷失》获卫星奖电视剧集最佳男配角提名,他还因为该剧再次获得2007年度艾美奖剧情类最佳男配角提名 。You were like, the thing on Lost.
你就像,像是迷失剧中的那个人物 。
You didn't know that was gonna be a big show.
你不知道那将会是一个重头戏 。
They hired Jane. What happened?
他们雇了简 。发生了什么事?
I have to do since I've been a guest player,
and so I thought this was another in a long line of such parts.
所以我认为这是另一个有很长台词的人物 。
And I thought it was gonna be 3 episodes,
so I packed, you know, a small bag to go to the Hawaii islands in the winter time,
所以我收拾行囊,你知道, 在冬天的时候去夏威夷群岛只带着一个小包,
and I said Honey, I'll be back shortly. And then they...
我说,亲爱的,我很快就会回来 。而那时他们…
Michael, are you married?
Yes. I see. I have said that and there was no one in the room.
是的 。我明白了 。我已经说过,房间里没有人 。
So you go over there.
那么你就在那里 。
You do the what you think is like a one shot deal and then what happens?
It's a character actor's dream.
这是性格演员的梦想 。
You make yourself evidently.
你使自己独一无二 。
I made myself invaluable in some way.
在某些方面我让自己成了无价之宝 。
And I passed the audition and they kept me around for another 4 seasons.
我通过了选拔赛,他们为我安排了另外四季 。
And beyond just regular on the show,
you made quite an impact not only with the show but for yourself, dude, didn't you?
People seemed to respond to the character, and not...
Now, of course, care for what you wish for, coz now I'm not sure that I can never leave it fully behind.
现在,当然,关心你的愿望,因为现在我不确定,我永远不可能会受到完全的支持 。
You know, you care everything like that around.
你知道,你需要照顾每一件事 。
And even genius kind of a guy?
Well, he had. Well, that's one of the things he was.
嗯,他也是如此 。嗯,那是他要做的事情之一 。
But I'm not sure exactly how to characterize him.
但我不确定他的性格到底如何 。
I mean, you are getting in some funny situations with respect to your character.
我的意思是,你在一些有趣的情况下要尊重你的性格 。
I have had people come up to me, and excited fans,
and they introduced me to their children whom they have named after my character.
他们给我介绍他们的孩子,而这些孩子按照我的角色而命名 。
Really?And you think, well, I suppose that's an honor,
真的吗?你想,我认为,这是一种殊荣 。
but which part of what my character was are you inspiring to,
I kind of, a mucky availing set of survival skills or?
What do you tell the child later about the origin of the name?
Right? And you don't know what to say with these people.
对吗?你不知道该对这些人说些什么 。
I mean, when someone is holding their sleeping infant in front of you,
you don't know whether to bless it or touch it with your forehead or...
What should be done in that situation?
I'm not sure. That never happens to me.
我不确定 。那从来不会发生在我身上 。