。她是一位著名的喜剧演员,也是一位有着无数FANS的名嘴,以评论明星八卦和衣着著称 。40多年来,这个只会喋喋不休的女人是美国人的开心果 。年过七旬,里弗斯仍然天天肆无忌惮地评论明星名流的花边八卦事,依然将自己打扮得光鲜亮丽 。I am not I am not I don't like so much face work.I go to Tennis match I don't like to turn my head back and forth because you are ruining tens of thousands of dollars . Hard on churn.
我不是我不是这样子,我不喜欢这么多的门面工作 。我去观看网球比赛的时候自己不喜欢把头扭来扭去,因为这会毁了成千上万的美元 。实在叫人心痛 。
So I know your next question's going to be already had enough? Everyone is asking me that. Oh, with the surgery. yeah, had enough.
所以我知道你的下一个问题将是已经够了吗?每个人都问我 。哦,做了手术 。是啊,够了 。
I haven't . My good friend is Goldie Hawn I think. Oh,she is yes.
我确实还没有 。我的好朋友是著名搞笑影后戈尔迪•霍恩,我想是她 。哦,肯定就是她 。
She allegedly repose so tight they say when she swallow she has orgasm I don't know . Really. I guess. ought to believe, automatically here is the thing, yeah.
她声称面容太紧,他们说在她吞咽的时候甚至引起了极度兴奋,我不知道 。真的 。我想是这样 。应该是这样,毕竟是自动化的东西嘛 。
But it's hard for an actress to get out do you know what I mean.Because it is very difficult and the same role along sexy. A friend of mine known name , Joan Collins, she has a pacemaker and she went to a white T-shirt contest and she got 11 tuterlage.
但是很难让一位女演员离开,你知道我的意思 。因为找一名同样性感的角色非常困难 。我的一个朋友认识琼•科林斯,她有起搏器,她去参加了一场白色T恤衫大赛,她得到了好成绩 。
Hair, wow,you got to be careful.
头发,哇,你也一定要小心 。
But sex you know like I watch your show they all come on they are also gorgeous you know and have my ladies . Sex plays a big part you know that . Betty White I mean we know she came back . Oh, grow up. Really .Betty White?Yeah,suddenly she is back like nobody , come on ask back stage.Didn't know this?
但是性感就像我望着你的节目,她们华丽的出场,你知道,女士 。性感起着很大的作用 。我知道你明白这点 。我的意思是贝蒂•怀特,我们知道她回来了 。哦,长大后的她 。她忽然回来,犹如无人知晓一样,拜托请告诉后台 。不知道这件事吗?
I don't, first time I hear . She is going into the business as Betty. Which at this age is difficult because she can't come back up.
我不知道,我第一次听到的 。她正在进入这个圈子 。在这种局面下非常困难,因为她不能回来 。