Are you fighting the hands of time to get a younger look?
If going under the knife is just not your cup of tea, try Pilates.
如果挨刀不是你的专长,那就试试看普拉提 。
Instructor Linda Ferrell says it's like the fountain of youth.
教导员琳达称那就像是不老泉 。
"Pilates is all about developing core strength in the trunk and this helps promote a healthy spine.
"普拉提是关于发展身体内部躯干的核心力量,这有助于促进脊椎的健康发展 。
It's about learning how to breathe deeply to reduce stress and it's about learning how to strengthen the muscles but you also look fantastic."
学习如何深呼吸来减轻工作压力,这是学习如何加强肌肉使你看上去非常棒 。"
And that's exactly how 54-year-old Yvonne Martin feels.
而这就是54岁的伊芳·马丁的感觉 。
She's been doing Pilates for over five years.
她坚持做普拉提已有5年 。
And says she's noticed youthful changes.
她称已经注意到自己她年轻的变化 。
"I feel about 20. I'm standing straighter, I'm taller.
"我感觉就像20岁 。我能站得更直,我好像越来越高 。
I feel like my muscles, my whole body's longer, my waist is really tight, my abs are incredible.
我觉得我的肌肉,我的整个身体被拉长,我的腰很紧,我的身体状态令人难以置信 。
I have to say, they are pretty good.
我不得不说,这非常不错 。
And I think it's due to the Pilates work."
并且我认为这是由于普拉提起效的结果 。"
So how can you get these anti-ageing results too?
Linda has some suggestions.
琳达有一些建议 。
Thinking of liposuction? Linda says "No need".
还在考虑什么吸脂术之类的?琳达表示"不需要 。"
I have a wonderful exercise called Heel Beats.
我有一个绝妙称为节奏跟的锻炼 。
We do it lying on the stomach and it actually helps lift your butt.
我们把胃放平而实际上这对抬高你的臀部很有帮助 。
And my students love it because while they are doing it, they actually feel their butts lifting and they feel those muscles working.
我的学生喜爱这个运动,因为当他们正在做,他们实际上感到臀部提升,他们感到这些肌肉在运动 。
Think you need a breast lift? Think again.
认为你需要一个乳房提高吗?再想想 。
The first thing I like to do is get people to stand up and to open up in here and then I offer two wonderful exercises.
我首先想做的是让更多的人站起来,打开自己,然后我在这里提供两个绝佳的练习 。
One is called chest expansion, no pun intended.
一个叫做胸部扩张,没有双关之意 。
And the other is swan dive which works on opening the chest and strengthening the muscles in the back, which is so important to prevent that slumping.
另一个是天鹅下潜,用来扩胸和加强在后面的肌肉,这很重要,能防止衰退 。
Need a tummy tuck? No way! I worked with a Pilates course exercise which is really wonderful.
需要腹部除皱吗?根本不用!我用普拉提课程的训练,也能达到相应效果,简直太妙了 。
You simply pull your belly button in and lift up like wearing a little corset.
你只需把你的肚脐扣往里收,并像穿了紧身胸衣一样抬高 。
You have a flatter belly and a narrower waistline.
这样你就会有扁平的腹部和更细的腰身 。
Linda says age doesn't matter.
琳达称年龄不是问题 。
You can start your Pilates workout at any point in your life.
你能在任何时候在你的生活中开始自己的普拉提训练 。
And with two to three days a week, you sure start seeing and feeling a difference.
一个星期两到三天,你会明显感到不同 。
I'm E.D Hill, FOX NEWS.
福克斯新闻,E.D希尔报道 。