日期:2011-10-26 15:10


无论从身材、个性、技术和运动生涯看,查尔斯•巴克利绝对可以称得上是NBA历史上最为奇特的一位球星。1984年,他和“飞人”乔丹一起加入NBA。当时乔丹在选秀中排名第三,巴克利排名第五。在NBA中,他的名气几乎和乔丹同样如雷贯耳。 本期专访篮球巨星巴克利,讲述他不再重返校园的真正原因!

A: This NCAA basketball tournament generates analogue close to a billion dollars, maybe more than a billion dollars?

B:Well, we pay 11 billion dollars for it, and my concern is I don't think you can pay college players, because you can not pay to football and basketball, you gotta pay to women scenes, so that's why I don't think you can pay, pay these players. But I think we have a moral obligation to make sure these players graduate from college. How are you gonna have a good job and raise your family if you're uneducated?

A: Right.

B:And first of all, it's personal responsibility, but you're talking about young kids who all think they're gonna go to the pros and not, and very small, small percent…

A: Tiny percent...

B:Tiny percent, less than one percent.

A: When did you graduate?

B:You know, well, I'm working on it, I'm working on it, man,

A: You're still working on it?

B:I am.

A: Oh, good for you.

B:I've been thinking about going back, gain my degree.

A: Why not?

B:You know, they, just the truth of the matter is I'm just loaded. And...

A: Oh, ok, alright.

B:You know it won't help me.

A: Ok, ok, alright, I understand, it really will be a waste of time.

B:Yeah, it would be a waste of my time

A: Yeah, that’s right.


generate v. 产生

obligation n. 义务, 职责

raise your family 养活家人

responsibility n.责任

loaded adj.有很多事情要做

  • generatevt. 产生,发生,引起
  • tournamentn. 比赛,锦标赛,(中世纪的)骑士比武
  • obligationn. 义务,责任
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • analoguen. 类似物,【语】同源语 adj. 模拟计算机的