if you look at the long term of American politics this sort of victories don't last
如果你纵观美国的政治局势 会发现没有哪个党能做常胜将军
the other party adjustments are made
we have a two-party system and the two parties would remain competitive
我们有稳定的两党体系 两个党都会努力使自己具有竞争力
now there's a lot of thinking going on the Republican Party about what the direction to go
现在对于共和党接下来应采取怎样的发展方向 有很多说法
whether or not
I mean many Republican strategists say the Republican Party wasn't conservative enough
certainly under
if you look at financial conservatism I think a good point can be made
从金融保守主义的角度来看 共和党显然不够保守
George Bush's administration ran up record deficit and that goes against what had traditionally been conservative economic policies
乔治布什执政期间 赤字创历史新高 这种做法显然是违背传统的 经济保守政策的
on the cultural front I think it's a much more contentious issue
从文化的角度来看 也许这一方面更具争议
I think the big debate really is over what we might call "Right Wing Populism"
最大的争议就在于 所谓的"右派民粹主义"到底是什么
as typified by Sarah Palin
so it's very conservative in many aspects but it's a philosophy as I said before
所以虽然共和党在很多方面仍然保守 但他们所尊崇的信条
it doesn't sell very well among affluent educated suburban voters
并不太受到郊区受教育程度高 富裕选民的欢迎
and if you look at the affluent suburban counties as a real key to the countries
economic future and political future that doesn't look like a particular good strategy
但对他们而言未来经济和政治的发展承诺 不具有什么诱惑力
that's debated though
and certainly there're many in the Republican Party who say that she is very important
也有很多共和党人说 佩林的作用非常关键
in maintaining enthusiasm for the Republicans among
especially among rural deeply Evangelical voters