。空内信息可在本新闻中全部找到,大家可以根据这些信息复述新闻 。一、泛听建议:
。遇到相似的词,写下来 。Congress is at a standstill and still there is no end in sight to the government shutdown. As NPR's Tamara Keith reports, the House spent the day _1_ votes on bills the Senate has already said it will reject.
国会陷入停滞状态,而政府关门的现状近期也不会停止 。据NPR新闻的塔玛拉·基思报道,白宫花了一天的时间对法案进行投票,而参议院已经表示会拒绝这些法案 。
First it was World War II veterans not being able to get into monuments, then children with cancer _2_ turned away from clinic trials at the National Institutes of Health. House Republicans donned white lab coats to press the Senate to take up a bill to reopen NIH. Renee Ellmers is a North Carolina Republican, who was a nurse before _3_ Congress.
首先,第二次世界大战的老兵无法进入纪念碑,患有癌症的儿童被美国国家卫生研究院的临床试验拒绝 。白宫共和党人穿上白大褂向参议院施压,要求采纳重启美国国家卫生研究院的法案 。北卡罗来纳州共和党人蕾妮·埃尔莫斯在进入国会前曾是一名护士 。
"We have taken that hope away, and we need to replace it, and I say to Harry Reid in the Senate: Bring this up for a vote."
“我们已经不抱希望,我们需要进行替换,我要对参议院的哈利·里德说:让它能进行投票 。”
Reid, the Senate Majority Leader, says he doesn't plan to. The solution to all of the awful _4_ of the government shutdown, he says, is to reopen the government.House Republicans are still insisting on changes to the Affordable Care Act as a condition to _5_ a government funding bill. Tamara Keith, NPR News, the Capitol.
参议院多数党领导人里德表示,他并没有这个计划 。他表示,政府关闭造成的所有糟糕影响的解决方案是重开政府 。众议院共和党仍然坚持以改变平价医疗法案作为通过政府拨款法案的条件 。NPR新闻,塔玛拉·基思国会山报道 。
1. in sight
eg. An agreement on many aspects of trade policy was in sight.
一项涉及到贸易政策诸多方面的协议即将达成 。
eg. There is no end in sight to the struggle for power.
权力的争斗近期不会终止 。
2. turn away from
eg. Not turn away from the old, but turn toward the new.
不是背弃旧的,而是朝向新的 。
eg. You cannot allow anything to cause you to turn away from your hopes, dreams & wishes.
任何事都不能够使你放弃对梦想的追求 。
1、taking 2、being 3、entering
4、effects 5、passing