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The International Organization for Migration reports nearly 350,000 people are still _1_ squalid
camps three years after the devastating earthquake in Haiti.In Geneva reports IOM plans to
relocate thousands of them to safer places this year.IOM reports it will provide rental subsidies
to more than 36,000 Haitians to encourage them to _2_ of 50 camps to safe housing.Spokesman
Chris Lom says there are 450 makeshift camps dotted around the country.
国际移民组织表示海地的毁灭性地震三年后近350,000人仍然生活在肮脏的营地 。日内瓦报道国际移民组织计划今
年安排数以千计的这些人搬迁到更安全的地方 。国际移民组织表示将提供租金补贴给超过36000名海地人来鼓
励他们搬出50座营地 。发言人克里斯·朗姆表示450座临时营地遍布全国 。
“They are home to about 87,750 families.And many of them of course are makeshift in sanitary
and very dangerous to live in.”The operation _3_ go ahead thanks to a multi-million dollar
contribution from the European commission.Lom says the program offers displaced families the
opportunity to make a fresh start after losing their homes three years ago.The family's
commissioned report says the earlier investigation was fundamentally flawed and incomplete,
and was a rush to injustice.The family of late Penn State football coach Joe Paterno _4_
a report contradicting the findings of an earlier report on the child sex abuse scandal
involving his former assistant Jerry Sandusky.
“它们是大约87750个家庭的居所 。而这些居所的卫生条件只是临时的卫生条件并且非常不利于居住 。“这次的
举措能够实施要感谢欧盟委员会数百万美元的贡献 。朗姆表示该项目为三年前失去家园流的离失所的家庭提供了
重新开始的机会 。宾夕法尼亚州立大学橄榄球队教练乔尔·帕特诺的家人晚些时候发布了一份报告,指出早些时
候涉及他前助理杰瑞·桑达斯基的儿童性虐待丑闻的结论中存在矛盾之处 。这份家庭委托报告称早期的调查根本
就是错误且不完整,是一份基于不公的报告 。
The first report was commissioned by Penn State, and _5_ by former FBI director Louis Freeh.
He says that his report and investigation were accurate and he found that four Penn State
officials including Paterno, failed to stop a child sexual predator.
NPR news in Washington. I'm Kova Colen.
第一份报告是由宾夕法尼亚州立大学委托,由以前的美国联邦调查局局长路易斯·弗里受理 。他表示自己的报告和
调查都是正确无误,他发现包括帕特诺在内的四名宾夕法尼亚州立大学官员未能阻止儿童性虐待的发生 。我是科瓦
·克伦,这里是华盛顿的NPR新闻 。
1、squalid. 肮脏的;污秽的;卑劣的
eg:The early industrial cities were squalid and unhealthy places.
早期的工业城市曾是些又脏又乱、不利健康的地方 。
2、rental. 租金收入,租金;租赁adj. 租赁的;收取租金的
eg:We can arrange car rental from Chicago's O'Hare Airport.
我们可以安排从芝加哥奥黑尔机场租车 。
eg:A friend drove her to Atlanta, where she picked up a rental car.
一个朋友开车送她去了亚特兰大,在那里她租到了一辆车 。
1、living in 2、move out 3、is able to
4、has released 5、was led