Even if the distribution of women's occupations matched that of men—"if women were the doctors and men were the nurses"—she calculates that at most a third of the pay gap would disappear.
The most important cause is that women curtail their careers as a part of a rational household response to labour markets, which generously reward anyone, male or female, who is willing to hold down what Ms Goldin calls a "greedy job".
These are roles, such as those in law, accountancy and finance, that demand long and unpredictable hours.
Parents need somebody to be on-call at home in case a child falls ill and needs picking up from school, or needs cheering on at a concert or football match.
That is incompatible with a greedy job, which requires being available for last-minute demands from a client or boss.
No one person can do both.
The rational response is for one parent to specialise in lucrative greedy work, and for the other—typically the mother—to prioritise the children.
Ms Goldin writes that "couple equity has been, and will continue to be, jettisoned for increased family income."
A gender pay gap resulting primarily from the choices of households is a thorny problem for liberals who prize freedom of choice.
It is also tricky territory for economists, who often emphasise the "revealed preference" of those they study, and the resulting efficiency of market outcomes.
True to her membership of the Chicago school of conservative-leaning economists, Ms Goldin does not offer the confident prescriptions for the expansion of government that could have easily followed her compelling diagnosis of the problem.
Some parts of her book suggest she supports more subsidies for child care, like those proposed by President Joe Biden.
But speaking to The Economist she was more circumspect, pointing out that among Mr Biden's proposals she would prioritise cash transfers to parents (a policy that makes no attempt to change households’ choices).
The book is about "what happened and why", she says, rather than solutions.
For love or money
Another theme of the book, however, is just how much progress for women is a result of technological change and innovation.
Could similar forces disrupt greediness?
For some jobs it is hard to see how; little can stop the self-employed pouring hours into their businesses, say.
But firms have an incentive to make jobs less greedy, because hiring and promoting mothers means drawing from a bigger pool of talent.
Ms Goldin points to pharmacy as an example of an industry that has made the transition.
Many pharmacists used to be self-employed, with customers expecting personal service.
But computers and consolidation have led to pharmacists becoming more substitutable for each other, making the job less greedy without a loss of status or pay.
Perhaps remote work or artificial intelligence will do the same for other professions.
Like a radical, Ms Goldin has identified a structural feature of the economy: "It isn’t you, it's the system," she reassures the reader.
But she has the liberal's hesitancy about disrupting a system that is built on choice.