Much about the pandemic sweeping across the world is unprecedented, but one aspect is all too familiar: price gouging in the wake of a disaster.
关于这场席卷全球的流行病的许多方面都是前所未有的,但有一个方面我们都太过熟悉了:因灾难而导致的哄抬物价 。
In New York police arrested a man who had stockpiled medical gear, allegedly selling it for a 700% mark-up.
在纽约,警方逮捕了一名囤积医疗设备的男子,据称他将医疗设备以700%的溢价出售 。
Indonesian authorities seized 600,000 masks from hoarders. In Italy the government launched a probe into sky-high online prices for basic protective equipment.
印度尼西亚官方从囤积者手中没收了60万个口罩 。在意大利,政府对基本防护装备的天价网络售价展开了调查 。
Such crackdowns are popular. Who could possibly endorse disaster profiteering? Many economists, as it turns out.
这样的打击很受欢迎 。谁会赞成发灾难财呢?事实证明,许多经济学家会 。
To be clear, it is not that they want the public to miss out on life-saving products. Quite the contrary.
需要明确的是,这并不是说他们希望公众错过拯救生命的产品 。恰恰相反 。
They believe that soaring prices stimulate greater output, and that policies to cap costs might limit supplies and so do more harm than good.
他们认为物价飞涨能够刺激更多产出,而限制成本的政策可能会限制供应,因此弊大于利 。
In 2012 the University of Chicago surveyed 32 eminent economists about legislation that banned price gouging during a weather-related emergency.
2012年,芝加哥大学就一项立法对32位知名经济学家进行了调查,该立法禁止在与天气有关的紧急情况下哄抬物价 。
Only three supported the ban; more than half criticised it. Similar views have been aired in recent weeks.
只有三人支持该禁令;超过一半的人批评了该禁令 。最近几周也出现了类似的观点 。
An economist with the Cato Institute, a conservative think-tank, lamented the "madness" of anti-gouging rules,
saying that profits are what entice firms to meet rising demand for safety equipment.
他表示利润是吸引企业满足日益增长的安全设备需求的原因 。
Yet a closer look at one key piece of equipment—masks—during the coronavirus crisis shows that this standard view needs revamping.
然而,在冠状病毒危机期间,仔细观察一个关键设备——面罩,就会发现这种标准观点需要改进 。
Economists are normally loth to tamper with prices, the most basic element of any market. But little about this pandemic has been normal.
经济学家通常不愿干预价格,而价格是任何市场的最基本要素 。但是关于这次大流行的情况大部分都不正常 。
Price signalling alone would have been inadequate to the challenge of ensuring vast increases in supply.
仅靠价格信号不足以应对确保供应大幅增加的挑战 。
First, consider the manufacture of masks. They might look simple, but producers need sterile factories and sophisticated machinery to churn out melt-blown fabric.
首先,考虑口罩的生产 。它们看似简单,但生产商需要无菌工厂和精密的机器才能大量生产熔喷织物 。
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1.sweep 席卷
A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.
流感正在莫斯科迅速蔓延 。
Members of all parties endorsed a ban on land mines.
各党派成员都赞同禁用地雷 。
3.contrary 相反的
The government has decided that the publication of the report would be ‘contrary to the public interest’.
政府认为发表这份报告将会“违背公众的利益” 。
4.be loth to 不愿意
Firms may also be loth to enter the market.
制药厂商们也无意进入这一市场 。