The past 12 months give reason for scepticism. In December 2018 OPEC and its partners agreed to reduce output by 1.2m barrels a day.
过去12个月的种种给了我们怀疑的理由 。2018年12月,OPEC及其合作伙伴同意将日产量削减120万桶 。
Iraq, Nigeria and Russia, among others, have regularly exceeded their allowed limits.
其中伊拉克、尼日利亚和俄罗斯经常超过他们允许的限额 。
To compensate, Saudi Arabia, OPEC's most powerful member,
slashed its own production by an average of 500,000 additional barrels a day, according to the International Energy Agency.
OPEC最主要成员国沙特阿拉伯将自己的日产量平均产量额外削减了50万桶 。
Analysts at Morgan Stanley estimate that in 2020 1.8m additional barrels a day will be pumped in countries outside the OPEC alliance,
including Brazil, Guyana and Norway. In the run-up to OPEC's meeting in Vienna in December,
其中包括巴西、圭亚那和挪威 。在OPEC12月维也纳会议前夕,
it was doubtful whether the group would sustain the cuts agreed to a year earlier, let alone go further.
该组织是否将维持一年前达成的减产协议都值得怀疑,更不用说进一步减产了 。
In the end Saudi Arabia's new oil minister, Abdulaziz bin Salman, wrangled an impressive deal.
最终,沙特阿拉伯新任能源部长Abdulaziz Bin Salman达成了一项令人印象深刻的协议 。
The alliance's 1.2m-barrel cut will extend to 1.7m in January.
该联盟的120万桶减产量将在明年1月扩大至170万桶 。
Additional reductions led by Saudi Arabia will push the total to 2.1m barrels a day.
以沙特为首的额外减产将使日产总量达到210万桶 。
The broader group's collective output will be 1.3% below its level in November.
更广泛组织的整体产量较11月份下降1.3% 。
It remains to be seen, however, if the cuts will materialise—or last. The new agreement covers only the first quarter of 2020.
然而,减产是否会兑现,或持续,仍有待观察 。新协议只涵盖2020年第一季度 。
It also allows Russia to increase its output of condensate, a type of light crude.
该协议还允许俄罗斯增加凝析油(一种轻质原油)的产量 。
Saudi Arabia remains keen to support prices, both for its budget and to make Aramco's listing a success.
沙特阿拉伯仍然热衷于支撑油价,既为了预算,也为了让阿拉伯-美国石油公司的上市获得成功 。
The firm's soaring valuation in early trading may not be sustainable.
该公司在早期交易中飙升的估值可能无法维系 。
Many big global investors were repelled by its low dividend yield, security risks and state control.
很多全球大型投资者对其低股息收益率、安全风险和政府控制感到反感 。
But local retail investors piled in, attracted partly by the sweetener of an extra free share for every ten they buy and hold for six months.
但当地小额投资者蜂拥而至,部分原因是他们每购买10股并持有6个月,就可以获得额外的免费股票 。
If Saudi Arabia's allies fail to stick to their promised cuts, the kingdom will have a choice: slash its own production further or let prices fall. Neither is appealing.
如果沙特的盟友没能坚持减产承诺,那么该国将面临一个选择:要么进一步削减产量,要么让价格下跌 。两者都没什么吸引力 。
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1.exceed 超过
Its research budget exceeds$ 700 million a year.
其研究预算每年超过7亿美元 。
2.let alone 更不必说
He did not have enough money to have the tire patched up, let alone buy a new one.
他的钱还不够补这个轮胎,更别提买个新的了 。
3.run-up 前期
The issue of the monarchy is complicating politics in the run-up to the elections.
就在选举拉开序幕前,君主政体的问题使政局变得复杂起来 。
I was repelled by the smell.
这种气味让我恶心 。