Victoriaopai, a teacher in a remote part of West Kalimantan, Indonesia's slice of Borneo,
is charmed by the new road connecting her school to Putussibau, the nearest town.
连接她所在学校和最近小镇普图西包的那条新公路让她着迷 。
It is smooth, reasonably straight and cuts through swathes of jungle.
这条公平坦笔直,途中还穿过了大片的丛林 。
It used to take three hours to get into town, she says. Now it takes 40 minutes.
她说以前需要三个小时才能进城 。现在只需40分钟 。
Over the past five years new roads, airports and railways have popped up across Indonesia.
过去5年里,印尼各地建了新的公路、机场和铁路 。
Reviving its ailing infrastructure was a pledge of Joko Widodo, the president, known as Jokowi, during his first term.
重振破旧的基础设施是佐科·维多多总统(也称Jokowi)在第一任期时的承诺 。
Along with poverty-reduction measures, it helped him win re-election on April 17th.
加上扶贫措施,这帮助他在4月17日赢得连任 。
In his first term Indonesia grew by 5.1% annually;
last year the IMF said ambitious economic reforms could enable Indonesia to grow at 6.5% by 2022.
去年IMF称雄心勃勃的经济改革有望使印尼经济在2022年前增长6.5% 。
Jokowi promises to improve "human resources", meaning education and the quality of the labour force.
维多多承诺改善“人力资源”,指的是劳动力的教育和质量 。
In a speech on April 30th he talked about "upskilling" Indonesia.
在4月30日的一次演讲中,他谈到了通过培训等方式提高印尼人的工作技能 。
In 2003 the constitution was amended to require the government to spend 20% of its budget on education.
在2003年,修改后的宪法要求政府将其预算的20%用于教育 。
Previously it had spent about half that. And the share of 13- to 18-year-olds enrolled in school has risen over the past two decades, to 88%.
此前,教育开支仅为约10% 。在过去两年中,13到18岁人群的入学率增长至88% 。
But outcomes are poor. Over half of those who finish school are functionally illiterate.
但结果很糟糕 。其中超过一半的毕业生是功能性文盲 。
Between 2003 and 2015 Indonesia's scores in the PISA tests run by the OECD, a think-tank of 36 countries, improved only slightly.
在2003年到2015年间,印尼在由OECD(一个由36国组成的智囊团)组织的PISA测试中的得分只是略有提高 。
In 2015 it came 64th out of 70 countries in the organisation's rankings of 15-year-olds in literacy.
2015年,该组织对70个国家的15岁儿童的读写能力进行排名,该国仅排在64位 。
The problem, says Daniel Suryadarma of the SMERU Research Institute in Jakarta,
雅加达印尼社会监督和预警研究所的Daniel Suryadarma表示,
is not how much money goes on education, but how it is spent.
问题不在于花了多少钱在教育上,而在于怎么花 。
Though half of the extra funding went on teachers' salaries, pay rises were not tied to performance, so there was no impact on attainment.
尽管有一半的额外资金花在了教师工资上,但加薪与工作表现无关,所以这对成绩没有影响 。
Meanwhile, facilities are threadbare. Half of primary schools have no electricity.
同时,教育设施也很破旧 。一半的小学没通电 。
Shoddy schooling makes it hard for people to find jobs. Red tape makes it harder still.
劣质的学校教育使人们很难找到工作 。繁文缛节使这更加困难 。
According to the World Bank's "ease of doing business" ranking, Indonesia has the world's third-highest severance pay.
根据世界银行的“经商环境”排名,印尼印尼拥有世界第三高的离职金 。
An employee dismissed after a year is entitled to four months' pay.
一年后被解雇的员工有权获得四个月的工资 。
Since it is expensive for firms to shed workers in lean times, they are reluctant to hire in good ones.
由于在不景气时期,公司裁员成本昂贵,所以在繁荣时期,他们不愿招聘 。
Pricey severance also helps explain why 60% of Indonesian employees work in the informal sector,
and why many of those who do not are on temporary, rolling contracts.
以及为什么很多正规部门员工签的是临时滚动合同 。
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1.pop up 突然出现
These fears will pop up in front of you and within you.
这些恐惧会突然出现在你的面前和你的心底 。
2.ailing 境况不佳的
The rise in overseas sales is good news for the ailing American economy.
海外销售额的上升对于不景气的美国经济来说是个好消息 。
3.amend 修改
The president agreed to amend the constitution and allow multi-party elections...
总统同意修订宪法,允许多党选举 。
4.threadbare 破旧的
She sat cross-legged on a square of threadbare carpet.
她盘腿坐在一块破旧的方形地毯上 。