Owners and managers are trying to make confinement more bearable with free internet and wage top-ups,
says Andreas Hadjipetrou, the managing director of Columbia Shipmanagement. "One captain asked for gym equipment and karaoke," he says.
哥伦比亚船舶管理有限公司的总经理Andreas Hadjipetrou说到 。“一位船长要求健身设备和卡拉OK,”他说 。
"The crew created a band and sent us a video clip." More importantly, they are doing everything they can to facilitate crew changes—
“船员们组建了一个乐队,并给我们发了一段视频 。”更重要的是,他们正在尽一切努力帮助船员进行换岗——
which take not just planning, but a hefty dose of luck.
这不仅需要规划,还需要很大的运气 。
Among the merchant seamen relieved during the lockdown is Hrisheet Barve, a ship's captain and an Indian from the state of Goa.
在封锁期间能够换岗的商船船员包括Hrisheet Barve,他是一名船长,一位来自果阿邦的印度人 。
By the end of May he and 16 crew members, also Indian, were months over contract.
截止至5月底,他和16名船员,也都是印度人的合同已经到期了几个月 。
Since they were sailing along India's coast, he proposed to the ship's management company, Anglo-Eastern,
that it divert to the port of Cochin in the state of Kerala for a crew change. The company agreed, despite the cost and delay.
将船只转行至喀拉拉邦的科钦港以进行船员更换 。尽管涉及成本和延迟,公司还是同意了 。
Even though the men were all nationals, disembarking required lengthy negotiations with the shipping ministry and port and state officials.
虽然这些船员都是该国国民,但上岸需要同航运部、港口和国家官员进行长时间的谈判 。
They had seen no one else for months, but still had to spend two weeks in quarantine.
他们好几个月都没见过其他人,但仍不得不隔离两周 。
By the end, says Captain Barve, he was very worried about his men's mental state.
在最后,Barve船长说,他非常担心自己船员的精神状态 。
"When you're all in the same boat—pun not intended—you can pull each other down." And tired, miserable sailors are unsafe, he adds.
当你们都在同一条船上时——没别的意思——你们可能会把对方推倒 。”并且疲惫痛苦的船员也很危险,他补充道 。
"It just takes one captain to make a mistake and run a tanker aground and cause an oil spill.
“只需要一位船长犯个错误,将一艘油轮搁浅,并引起一次漏油事件 。
They will say it was a navigational error but the real culprit will be that he was working way longer than he should have been."
他们将会说这是一次导航上的错误,但真正的元凶将会是他的工作时长远远超时了 。”
The International Maritime Organisation, the arm of the UN that deals with shipping,
has drawn up a protocol for crew changes during the pandemic. It requires governments to classify merchant seamen as essential workers,
该组织已为疫情期间的船员更换起草了一项协议 。该协议要求政府将商船船员分类为重要员工,
thus enabling them to travel and cross borders. Ports and airports need facilities for testing and quarantine, and safe connections.
从而使他们能够航行和跨境 。港口和机场需要检测、隔离以及安全连接的设施 。
"We have the standard operating procedure ready to act on," says Bjorn Hojgaard of Anglo-Eastern. “We just need help from regulators.”
“我们有标准的操作流程可以执行,”Anglo-Eastern的Bjorn Hojgaard说 。“我们只是需要监管者的帮助 。”
The industry hopes that governments will be prodded into action by the sudden expiry of so many seamen's contracts.
该行业希望这么多船员的合同突然到期能够提醒政府采取行动 。
The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) says it will support any seamen who refuse to work.
国际运输工人联合会(ITF)表示,其将支持任何拒绝工作的船员 。
If that leaves too few people to operate a ship safely, its insurance policy could lapse,
and full liability fall on the captain and owner, who might then decide it was too risky to keep going.
并且全部责任将落在船长和船主身上,那么他们可能会因为风险太大而放弃继续航行 。
The trade that has flowed so smoothly throughout the pandemic might finally gum up.
在疫情期间,进行顺畅的贸易可能最终会出问题 。
"Everyone is happy to reap the benefits of global trade," says Stephen Cotton, the ITF's general secretary.
“每个人都乐于从全球贸易中获益,”ITF的秘书长Stephen Cotton说到 。
"But no one seems willing to step up when it comes to safeguarding those who deliver the things they need every day."
“但似乎没人愿意站出来保护那些为他们运输每日需求之物的人 。”
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1.confinement 监禁
According to prison sources, he's being kept in solitary confinement.
据监狱线人称,他被单独监禁 。
2.disembark 上岸
They disembarked in Amsterdam after crossing the Atlantic.
他们横穿大西洋后在阿姆斯特丹上岸 。