The surprise stung. On August 9th Malaysia's attorney-general
让人苦恼的意外 。8月9日,马来西亚司法部长
filed criminal charges against 17 current and former executives at Goldman Sachs, an investment bank.
对投资银行高盛的17名现及前高官提起刑事诉讼 。
The move marks an escalation in Malaysia's efforts to deal with a scandal uncovered at 1MDB,
a state investment vehicle set up more than a decade ago by Najib Razak, then Malaysia's prime minister.
1MDB是十几年前由时任马来西亚总理吉布·拉扎克创建的一个国家投资工具 。
As much as $4.5bn of public money vanished from the fund between 2009 and 2015, according to America's Department of Justice (DOJ).
根据美国司法部(DOJ),在2009年到2015年间,多达45亿美元的公共资金从该基金中消失 。
The cash was funnelled through shell companies around the world
and frittered away on yachts, artworks, diamonds and other fripperies.
并被挥霍在了游艇、艺术品、钻石以及其他无用的昂贵物件上 。
Investigations have spanned America, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates.
调查范围遍及美国、卢森堡、马来西亚、新加坡、瑞士和阿拉伯联合酋长国 。
The 17 executives occupied senior positions at three subsidiaries of Goldman between May 2012 and March 2013.
这17名高管在2012年5月至2013年3月间,在高盛的三家子公司任高职 。
Five still work at the bank: among them is Richard Gnodde, the chief executive of its Londonbased subsidiary.
其中5名仍在银行工作,其中包括伦敦子公司的首席执行官理查德·格诺德 。
During that time Goldman underwrote three bond offerings that raised $6.5bn for 1MDB,
of which, according to the DOJ, $2.7bn later disappeared.
后来其中27亿美元消失了 。
Even so, the bank earned a whopping $600m in fees—a figure that Malaysia's authorities claim was above the market rate.
即便如此,该银行还是赚取了6亿美元的巨额手续费—马来西亚当局称这个数字高于市场汇率 。
In 2013 one of the bank's former executives, who has been charged, was paid a bonus exceeding that of its chief executive at the time.
2013年,该银行被起诉的一名前高管所获得的奖金超过了当时的首席执行官 。
Malaysia's prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, who booted Mr Najib out of office 15 months ago with a rallying cry against corruption,
has called the fees "a huge killing". His finance minister wants $7.5bn in reparations from Goldman.
他称这笔费用是“一场巨大的杀戮”,他的财政部长希望高盛赔偿75亿美元 。
The bank's former chairman for South East Asia, Tim Leissner, helped win the work.
该银行前东南亚区主席提姆·雷思能帮助赢得了这项工作 。
He and Roger Ng, another former Goldman banker, already face charges in America and Malaysia.
他和另一名前高盛银行家Roger Ng已在美国和马来西亚面临指控 。
Mr Leissner, who last year pleaded guilty to the American charges of bribery and money-laundering, awaits sentencing.
雷思能去年对美国的行贿和洗钱指控供认不讳,他目前正在等待判决 。
But Mr Ng protested his innocence in a court in New York in May after being extradited from Malaysia.
但今年5月,Ng在被从马来西亚引渡回美国后,在纽约一法庭上辩称自己无罪 。
The alleged mastermind of the scheme, Jho Low, a Malaysian financier, remains at large.
传言该计划的主谋,马来西亚金融家刘特佐仍然在逃 。
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1.charge against 控告
The man denied the charge against him to the police.
那人向警方否认对他的的控告 。
The threat of nuclear escalation remains.
核升级的威胁仍旧存在 。
3.vanish from从...消失
The castle was destroyed and seemed to vanish from the face of earth.
那座城堡被毁坏了,似乎从地球表面消失了 。
4.fritter away 一点点地浪费
It's easy to fritter away a fortune if you're not careful.
如果你不小心,要挥霍掉一大笔钱是很容易的 。