Aurelius argues that this should cover the board members, and that the board is unconstitutional.
Aurelius认为宪法的这一规定应该包括委员会成员的任命,且这个委员会是违宪的 。
The board and federal government argue that the board's business is "primarily local". Lower courts had disagreed.
委员会和联邦政府认为委员会的业务“主要是地方业务” 。下级法院不同意 。
The board was created to oversee bankruptcy proceedings unresolvable by Puerto Rico's governor,
arguably implying that its powers supersede the island's.
这可能意味着委员会的权利将取代波多黎各管理者的权力 。
But those lower courts also blessed the board's actions under the "de facto" doctrine,
which allows actions by officials to stand, even if they are found to have been wrongfully appointed.
该原则允许官员们采取行动,即便发现对他们的任命是错误的 。
On October 15th the Supreme Court spent little time on the de facto doctrine.
10月15日,高级法院几乎没花什么时间研究这个“事实”原则 。
It focused on whether the board acts locally, in the interest of Puerto Rico, or federally, in the interests of all Americans.
它的重点是委员会是否为了波多黎各或所有美国人的利益而在当地采取行动 。
Remarks from some of the liberal justices seemed to lean towards the latter—and thus towards Aurelius.
一些自由派法官的言论似乎倾向于后者—因此也倾向于Aurelius 。
"One option could have been some kind of financial bail-out," said Elena Kagan.
Elena Kagan称,“一种选择可能是某种形式的金融援助 。”
Congress "instead chose an option that had less financial cost for the American people as a whole".
相反,国会“选择了一个对整体美国人民经济成本更低的方案” 。
Sonia Sotomayor probed the idea that the act gave the board members powers that ordinary local officials did not previously have.
索尼娅·索托马约尔探究了这样一种想法:该法案赋予了委员会成员权力,而这种权利是以前普通地方官员没有的 。
A ruling is due by July. If it goes Aurelius's way, it would be a mighty upset—and hugely disruptive for Puerto Rico.
裁决将于7月做出 。如果按照Aureliu的方式,这将是一个巨大的颠覆—对波多黎各来说是巨大的破坏 。
The board has collected and paid out claims, and issued $12bn of bonds.
委员会已收回并支付了债权,并发行了120亿美元的债券 。
"I have no idea how one unwinds this," said Mr Wall, for the federal government. He seems unlikely to have to find out.
“我不知道该如何解决这个问题,”联邦政府的Wall先生表示 。他似乎不太可能找出答案 。
The conservative justices, who are in a majority, seemed to lean towards seeing the board members as Puerto Rican officers.
大多数保守派法官似乎倾向于把委员会成员看作是波多黎各的官员 。
"If we conclude that the powers and duties here are primarily local…do you lose?"
Brett Kavanaugh asked Mr Olson. The court will now decide.
布雷特·卡瓦诺问奥尔森 。法院现在将作出裁决 。
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The Moldavian parliament has declared the elections unconstitutional...
摩尔达维亚议会已宣布选举违宪 。
2.oversee 监督
Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds.
斯塔克斯法官被指定监督资金的分配 。
3.supersede 取代
The theory has been superseded by more recent research.
这一理论已为新近的研究所取代 。
4.in the interest of 为了...的利益
They suggested that she make a dignified exit in the interest of the party.
他们建议她为了政党的利益体面地下台 。