Reports suggest HSBC could seek to cut an additional 8,000-10,000 jobs from its headcount of 238,000
(a spokesperson declined to confirm the number of jobs to go).
(一位发言人拒绝证实裁员人数) 。
Yet after years of cost-cutting, analysts are divided as to whether much more fat can be trimmed.
然而,在经历了多年的成本削减之后,分析师们对是否可以削减更多的成本产生了分歧 。
Daniel Tabbush of Tabbush Report, an Asia-based research firm, says HSBC "is not particularly bloated".
亚洲研究公司Tabbush Report的丹尼尔·塔布希表示,汇丰“并不是特别臃肿” 。
The bank may also partially exit some share-trading activities in Western markets, and wants to sell its French retail operations.
该行也可能部分退出西方市场的某些股票交易活动,并希望出售其在法国的零售业务 。
But a hasty disposal of badly performing units, which also include its American wholesale arm,
may force it to write down part of their value.
可能会迫使其贬低他们的部分价值 。
So hopes must be placed in the second prong of HSBC's grand reform—
to move capital away from the dreariest businesses and towards "higher growth and return opportunities".
将资本从最惨淡的业务中转移出来,转向“更高的增长和回报机会” 。
HSBC's cost-to-income ratio is 104% in Europe, compared with 43% in Asia, where it generates nearly 90% of its profits.
汇丰银行在欧洲的成本收入比为104%,而在亚洲这一比例为43%,在亚洲汇丰银行创造了近90%的利润 。
It makes only a quarter of its lending in Britain, yet the country generates 35% of its non-performing loans, says Mr Tabbush.
塔布希表示,虽然其英国的贷款只有四分之一,但却产生了35%的不良贷款 。
Its $98bn of risk-weighted assets allocated to America produce only $527m in annual profit.
其分配给美国的980亿美元风险加权资产仅产生5.27亿美元的年度利润 。
The bank's management has so far declined to provide any guidance as to where newly released capital might be sent.
迄今为止,该行管理层拒绝就新发布的资本可能投向何处提供任何引导 。
HSBC is already the largest corporate lender in Asia by market penetration, according to Greenwich Associates, a research firm.
研究机构Greenwich Associates的数据显示,按市场渗透率计算,汇丰银行已经是亚洲最大的企业贷款机构 。
And getting more deeply into China may prove tricky.
并且更加深入中国可能会很棘手 。
Other dynamic markets, like Vietnam and Indonesia, are tiny by comparison.
相比之下,其他充满活力的市场,如越南和印度尼西亚,规模很小 。
There are also limits to how much HSBC can rejig its various lines of business.
汇丰调整其各项业务的程度也有限制 。
Its strength in trade finance has so far failed to translate into clout in investment banking.
迄今为止,中国在贸易融资方面的实力未能转化为在投资银行业的影响力 。
Global capital markets are more lucrative, but volatile. In 2018 HSBC launched a new motto, "Together We Thrive".
全球资本市场利润更高,但波动性更大 。2018年,汇丰银行推出了新的口号“共同繁荣” 。
Its difficulties may have more to do with this grand ambition than with external forces.
它的困境可能更多地与这一宏伟抱负有关,而不是与外部力量有关 。
By trying to do too much for too many people in too many places, it has seen its returns diluted.
在太多地方试图为太多的人做太多的事,结果其回报被稀释了 。
Yet even for its candid interim boss, that conclusion may be rather too blunt.
然而,即使是对其直率的临时老板来说,这个结论也可能过于直接 。
译文由可可原创,仅供学习交流使用,未经许可请勿转载 。
1.headcount 总人数
Group headcount fell by around 400 between the first and second quarter.
第一季度与第二季度之间,该集团总人数减少了约400人 。
2.decline to 拒绝
I must decline to show favour to any of the candidates.
我必须拒绝偏袒任何一位候选人 。
3.disposal of处理
We should not yet abandon this option for the disposal of highly radioactive waste.
我们还不能放弃选择这种方式来处理高辐射废料 。
4.lucrative 有利可图的
Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms.
数以千计的退伍军官在私营保安公司找到了收入不菲的工作 。