Banks' earnings reports for the second quarter, released over the past two weeks,
suggest that the take-up of the schemes may well have reflected the exigencies of lockdown.
这些方案的实施或许很好地反映了封锁的紧迫性 。
Axis Bank and ICICI, large private lenders, reported that loans held under moratorium had fallen from 30% in April to under 20% in June;
Kotak Mahindra reported a fall from 26% to 10%.
科塔克马辛德拉银行报告称,从26%降至10% 。
State-owned banks are only beginning to release their earnings, but their use of the moratorium seems likely to have fallen too.
国有银行才刚开始公布他们的收益,但其延期偿付的申请率似乎也下降了 。
Analysts are now asking whether loans and interest obligations will be fully repaid once the moratorium ends.
分析师正在询问,一旦延期偿付结束,是否需要全额偿还贷款和利息债务 。
The RBI predicts that non-performing assets, as a share of the total, could rise from 8.5% in March to 12.5% in 2021.
RBI预测,无盈利效能的资产占总资产的比例,将从3月份的8.5%上升到2021年的12.5% 。
It reckons this could exceed 16% for public-sector banks in a "severely stressed" scenario,
which would surely push some banks' capital ratios below regulatory requirements.
这肯定会将一些银行的资本比率压至监管要求以下 。
Shaktikanta Das, the RBI's governor, urged banks to "proactively augment" capital now, rather than waiting for shortfalls to be revealed later.
RBI行长Shaktikanta Das敦促各银行现在就“主动增加”资本,而不是等着以后出现短缺 。
On July 27th Fitch, a rating agency, was blunter, warning that "state banks face solvency risk without fresh capital injections".
7月27日,评级机构惠誉国际直率地警告称,“如果没有新的注资,国有银行将面临偿付风险” 。
How much capital is needed is unclear, given the uncertainty over loan losses.
考虑到贷款损失的不确定性,需要多少资金尚不清楚 。
In April Prakhar Sharma, an analyst at Jefferies, an investment bank,
四月,投资银行杰富瑞的一名分析师Prakhar Sharma称,
put the fresh capital needed by the public banks at 889bn rupees ($12bn) and at half that for the private lenders.
国有银行所需新资本为8890亿卢比(合120亿美元),私有银行为这个数字的一半 。
Some banks are beginning to prepare themselves: Kotak Mahindra raised nearly $1bn in May;
ICICI plans to seek a similar amount, as does the State Bank of India, the country's largest lender.
ICICI计划寻求类似金额,该国最大银行——印度国家银行也如此 。
But many of India's weaker banks, saddled with legacy problems and uncertain loan losses, are likely to attract scant interest from investors.
但印度很多实力较弱的银行,背负着遗留问题和不确定的贷款损失,他们可能难以吸引投资者的兴趣 。
Much of the RBI's early response to the pandemic involved protecting borrowers.
RBI应对疫情的反应大多涉及保护借款方 。
It may yet find itself being forced to step in to save some lenders.
它可能发现自己会被迫介入以拯救一些贷款方 。
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1.exigency 紧迫;紧急
...the exigencies of a wartime economy.
2.step in 介入
If no agreement was reached, the army would step in.
如果无法达成协议,军队将会介入 。