小故事背诵达人 第195期:Just the opposite
日期:2013-04-08 09:22


50 Just the opposite
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One warm summer morning before breakfast a wealthy gentleman, living an easeful life, was wandering in the park near his house.
Suddenly he saw a man, who was sitting under a nut tree. The billionaire had never met this man before. The man was rather pale and poorly dressed.

When the wealthy gentleman approached him, the man in shabby clothes rose and said with a strong southern accent, “Good morning, sir, a fine day, you come out rather early.”
“Yes, I did.” answered the wealthy man,“I came out to see if I can get an appetite for my breakfast. But what are you doing here at such an early hour?”
“You see, sir,” said the man in rags,“I came out to see if I can get a breakfast for my appetite.”
