小故事背诵达人 第192期:I never work after supper
日期:2013-04-01 11:17


47 I never work after supper
47 我晚饭后从不工作
A stingy farmer didn't want his hired hand to stop working. One morning, he told the farm laborer, "It's such a nuisance to come in from the field, wash up for lunch and take time to eat. It wastes too much time. And the other harvest is above to start. Why don't we save time and eat lunch now?"

The hired man agreed. The farm's wife brought in some cold mutton and hams and fried potatoes from the kitchen cupboard.
When they finished the brunches, the cheap farmer said, "While we're still at the table, let's have supper too." They were now served steak, pancakes, two bowls of gruel and they ate once more.
"Now that the meals are out of the way, " the farmer announced, “we can go out and work all day without interruption. "
“Oh, no,” the hired man answered. " I never work after supper.

  • laborern. 劳动者,劳工 =labourer(英)
  • stingyadj. 吝啬的,小气的
  • kitchenn. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间
  • interruptionn. 打岔,中断
  • announced宣布的