日期:2012-08-10 09:59


Unit 8 Optimism
第8单元 乐观

I guess I have always been a very motivated person and when my accident happened 11 years ago, I saw it only as a challenge I had to overcome. I was paralyzed during a football game. I had only been playing professionally for two and a half years when I was injured.

Doctors told me that I would never walk again, but I didn’t listen to them. I listened to my heart. It has taken me over a decade of very challenging and exhausting work but it was well worth it!

Not only can I walk but I can water ski, snow ski , hike, kayak and enjoy a life with my wife and daughter. I am also a motivational speaker for people who are overcoming physical challenges.

It is important to have role models in our life. I know that if I didn’t have any, I wouldn’t be where I am today. To be honest, learning to use my body again demanded intense focus, dedication, love, and above all, optimism. The way I see it optimism is the difference between success and failure.

【美】 Meredith Walker 著 陈怡芬 译


  • motivatedadj. 有动机的;有积极性的 v. 使产生动机;激发…
  • motivationaladj. 动机的;激发性的;有关动机的;[法]动机说明
  • challengen. 挑战 v. 向 ... 挑战
  • overcomevt. 战胜,克服,(感情等)压倒,使受不了 vi. 获
  • decaden. 十年
  • challengingadj. 大胆的(复杂的,有前途的,挑战的) n. 复杂
  • dedicationn. 奉献,献词,献堂礼
  • intenseadj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的
  • optimismn. 乐观,乐观主义