小故事背诵达人 第149期:Write A Letter To God
日期:2013-01-18 09:52


3 Write A Letter To God
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Tom was a little boy, when he was 6 years old his mother died. Tom was anxious to get a bicycle but he couldn't afford it. His stepmother told him to pray to God for it. He prayed and prayed but nothing turned up. He decided to write a letter to God requesting $100.

When the postal authorities received the letter to "God", they opened it and send it to the President. The president was so impressed that he instructed his secretary to send the boy a check for $5 by airmail. He thought this would be enough for a boy.
 After the boy torn open the letter he was delighted with the $5, so he wrote a thank you letter to God as follows:

Dear God,

Thank you very much for sending me the money. I noticed that you had to send it through Washinton,D.C. As usual, those guys deducted $95.00.

  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • impressedadj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的