Hi, everyone! This is Keke Net English. Welcome to Juliet’s Morning English Class. As a saying runs. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. And a nother saying goes, An early bird catches the worm. So, what are you going to get at this morning? Do follow me and I am hoping that we can spend a wonderful and meaningful time here.
We’ve a way of saying It’s clear to me. It means that something’s been understood. This sentence including the word, very much familiar with us, picture. Let’s listen to the following mini situational dialogue to get the answer.
(Scene:It happens between a son and his mother who is asking him to do his homework.)
Son:I want you to have your homework done in an hour. Understood?
Mother:Sure, mom. I get the picture.
Obviously, the answer is I get the picture. As we know, a picture refers to a photograph or a cinema film. However, the word, picture, here means a situation that someone is describing to you. To get the picture is an idiom which is an informal way to express understand a situation that someone’s describing to you. In another word, it’s more often used in spoken English.
More examples, let’s take a look at:
1. I got the picture but I pretend not to hear when my mother’d asked me to hit a shower.
2.I get the picture. A real man can stands out in a crowd.
3.I get the picture by your tone that you don’t believe me.
4.I cannot get the picture, and trust be told, I am a little nervous.
Next I need your cooperation——be active and answer my questions, finishing listening to the following dialogue. First of all, I tell you my questions. They are as follows:
1.What does the mother want her son to do?
2.How does her son say he understands what his mother said?
Now listen:
Son:I want you to have your homework done in an hour. Understood?
Mother:Sure, mom. I get the picture.
The suggestive answers are as follows:
1.The mother wants her son to get his work done in one hour.
2.He express it by saying I get the picture.
Today we have learned one short sentence used in spoken English. It is I get the picture. Do remember it is an informal way to express you understand someone is describing a situation to you.
So much for today. Thank you for your participation in today’s study activity. See you next time.
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