早间课堂196期:话说地道美语 Lesson 23(2)之八
日期:2012-01-13 18:38


各位亲爱的可友们,我们现在还在飞往美国西雅图的航班上,我是本次航班乘务长Juliet。就餐完后,我现在继续和大家聊聊和get on one's case和be on one's case意思相同或者相近的习语或者是动词短语。
第十、我们可以说lay into sb/sth。In English , it means "to attack violently with words ". 中文意思是责骂,痛斥。下面我们通过下面的例句来熟悉这个片语的意思。
例句:His parents laid into him for wasting so much money. 他因为挥霍这么多钱而被父母狠狠地责骂了一顿。This novel laid into the capitalist system of darkness. 这部小说痛斥资本主义制度的黑暗。
Lay into sb or sth除了有痛骂,痛斥的意思,还有to attack violently with blows,中文意思猛打,痛打。例如:The two boxers laid into each other as soon as the bell rang. 铃声一响,两个拳击手就互相猛打起来了。
第十一、我们可以说tick sb off。It is an American slang. In English, it means "to speak angrily to sb, especially a child, because they have done sth wrong". 中文意思是责备、斥责、责骂(特别是指犯错的孩子)。
例如:David ticked me off for being late. 大卫责备我迟到。My father is very hard on me and he will tick me off for I didn't do well enough in the final examination this semester. 我的父亲对我很严格,他要骂我了,因为我这个学期期末考试不是很理想。
此外,tick off还有激怒的意思。例如:His affair with his ex-wife has ticked his wife off . 他和前妻有染,让他太太发火。(备注:affair with sb/have an affair with sb 与某人有染,与某人有婚外情)The cancellation of the football match really ticked him off. 足球赛的取消真把他给气坏了。
下面我们来看由tick off变异而来的习语:get/be ticked off。它有2个意思,一个是受到责备,受到责骂,受到斥责的意思,另一个是大发雷霆,发大火的意思。
我们来看下面的例句:I got well ticked off for my mistake. 因错误我已受到严厉的责备。The little boy got ticked off. 这个小男孩受到责骂。What is eating you? You look so ticked off. 发生什么事情呢?你看上去怒发冲冠呀。
好,亲爱的朋友们,我们本次航班还未抵达目的地。但是下面的时间是就餐的时候了。我们待会儿再学习与get on one's case意思相近的表述法。祝您就餐愉快!See you later! (to be continued)
