早间课堂137期:话说地道美语 Lesson 14 (2)
日期:2011-09-26 20:00




首先,我们还是来Warm up。天气逐渐转冷了,我们先来热热身。现在就进入我们的Review环节。第14课的第一讲中说到了“妄自菲薄”的表述法是:sell oneself short。Sell short有“小看,低估,贬低,小瞧,轻视”等这些比喻义。这些比喻义是跟股市有关。由于“股票的趋势下跌”,意含“低,下”;“轻视,看低,小瞧,贬低”中也意含“低,下”,因此有了其比喻义。


我们就来看看sell short作为比喻义的用法如何?亲爱的朋友,您准备好了吗?今天的课堂想说开始了。


Firstly,我们可以在sell 和short之间加上“事情”或“物体”,即:sell something short。Look at this sentence: Don't sell the opportunity short. It comes once in a life time! 不要小看这次机会,这可是千载难逢的机会呀!

Secondly,我们可以在sell和short之间加上人的名字或者是人称代词。即:sell somebody short。Look at the following sentences. 1 I remind you not to sell Mike short who isn't fit for the job for he is your boss's son. 我提醒你不要贬低Mike。虽然他不能胜任他的工作,但是他可是你的老板的儿子。2 Don't sell him short. He can make you either get promoted or get demoted. 不要小看他。他既可以使你升职,也可以使你降职。

Thirdly,我们可以在sell和short之间加上反身代词,即:sell oneself short。这就是我们第14课的课题——妄自菲薄。Look at the following sentences. 1 This city faces many problems, but you must not sell yourselves short and lose your confidence. 这个城市面对的问题不少,但是你们也不能妄自菲薄,失去自信。2 We do face continued problems in the near term, but we must not sell ourselves short. 在在短期内,我们的确继续面对种种问题,但是我们不要妄自菲薄。


我们学了sell short的三种用法:sell something short 看低某事情,某事物,sell somebody short 看低某人,sell oneself short 看低自己,妄自菲薄。


Please translate the following sentences into English with "sell...short".
1 他提醒其代理官员不可小觑这位新领导人。
2 不要太低估他的实力。他在政府有一些有影响的朋友。
3 我不会低估摆在我面前的任务的艰巨程度。
4 过去的60年说明,小看中国共产党的执政能力是愚蠢的。

1 He warned his lieutenants not to sell the new man short.
2 Don't sell his strength short. He has some influential friends in the government.
3 I do not underestimate the enormity of the task that lies ahead,
4 The past 60 years have shown it is foolish to sell the Communist party's staying power short.

亲爱的朋友们,您记住了吗?I am sure you've done. 我们的“话说地道美语”的每一课或者是每一课的每一讲都会您留校小小的功课。相信,每天都学,每天都练,每天都会有新的收获。本期的节目就到此结束了。下期节目更精彩。“话说地道美语”祝您的口语天天进步。我是Juliet。下回见。


  • enormityn. 暴行,极恶
  • underestimaten. 低估 v. 低估
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • influentialadj. 有权势的,有影响的 n. 有影响力的人物
  • confidenceadj. 骗得信任的 n. 信任,信心,把握