Morning!I am Juliet. Nice to meet you on the air. Hope we could spend a wonderful morning together. An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening. 一天之计在于晨,若您有个美好晨间生活,相信您一天的生活都是美好的。A hard beginning makes a good ending. 常言道:善始善终。
Last time we learned a sentence pattern which is " If + S+did, S+might do. "
1 如果可能,我或许会去美国进修美国文学。
I might go aboard to study American literature, if it were possible.
I might gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.
3 如果我能在明天下午4点之前完成我的工作,我可能会改在在明天下午4 点去你办公室和你见面。
If I could finish my word by 4:00 P.M, I might change my appointment with you to 4:00 p.m. at your office tomorrow.
This morning, I would like to share another sentence pattern with you which is : If + S + did, S + could + do. 表示对某人现在或是将来能够做某事的一种推测。
Mary非常有事情要找Jenny,可是这是电话号码找不到了,于是哭着对父母说道:If I knew her number, I could ring her up for help. 要是我知道她的电话号码,我会打电话给她的寻求帮助。现在John无所事事,成天流浪街头,邻居们可惜地说道:If he had a permit, he would get a job. 要是他有许可证的话,他就可以工作了。
Please translate the following sentences, using the sentence patter: if + s+ did, s+could do.
1 如果我可以不上班的话,我就可以天天守在有病在床的母亲。
2 如果今年冬天能上雪的话,那该多好呀,我们一定会玩疯的。