Hi, everyone! This is Keke Net English. Welcome to Juliet’s Morning English Class. As a saying runs, An hour is worth two in the evening. And another saying goes, An early bird catches the worm. So, what are you going to get at this morning? Do follow me and I’m hoping that we can spend a wonderful and meaningful time here.
We’ve a way of indicating that the speaker’s shared a similar experience. It’s a very simple sentence and you cannot be familiar with it anymore. Guess what it is. Let’s listen to the following mini situational dialogue to get the answer.
(Scene: It happens between tow co-workers who are talking about salary.)
John: My salary is so small that I can’t pay my bills.
Mary: I’ve been there. You need to look for something better.
Have you got the answer. It is I’ve been there. It’s similar to saying It was the same for me. The Chinese for it is 我也那样过。 or我也经历过,我可以理解你的心情。 If someone unburdens his mind to you, this word said by you can play his role to consol him .
Here are some expressions are worth calculating. They are: small salary, pay one’s bill, look for.
More examples well picked from popular American films or TV series, let’s take a look at:
1. Believe me. I can understand. I have been there.(相信我,我理解你,我也有那样的经历。)
2. I’ve been there. We’re human.(我也那样过,我们都是凡人。)
3. Been there done that.(之前有这样的经历。)
What’s more, another situational dialogue, let’s have a look at:
( Scene: It happens between two close friends who are talking about working in another country.)
Richard: Even though I got a job overseas, I am lonely and missed my family.
Rose: I’ve been there. You’ll have to escape from your homesickness.
Next I need your cooperation——to be active and answer my questions, finishing listening to the following two dialogues. First of all, I tell you my questions. They are as follows:
1. What does John complain about? And why?
2. How does Mary console John? And what does Mary advise him.
3. Is Richard satisfied with his working overseas? Why?
4. How does Rose console Richard? And what does Rose advise him?
Now listen to the the following two dialogues again:
Dialogue 1:
John: My salary is so small that I can’t pay my bills.
Mary: I’ve been there. You need to look for something better.
Dialogue 2:
Richard: Even though I got a job overseas, I am lonely and missed my family.
Rose: I’ve been there. You’ll have to escape from your homesickness.
The suggestive answers are as follows:
1. John complains about his salary. Because his salary is so small that he cannot pay his bills.
2. She consoles him by saying I’ve been there. And she advises him to look for a better job.
3. No, he doesn’t. Because he feels alone, which comes of thinking of his family.
4. She consols him by saying I’ve been there. And she advises him to escape from his homesickness.
Today we’ve learnt one short sentence used in spoken English——I’ve been there.
Let’s call it a day and be an early bird tomorrow to watch over Juliet’s Morning English from Keke Net English. Thank you for you participation in today’s study activity. See you next time.
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