早间课堂197期:话说地道美语 Lesson 23(2)之九
日期:2012-01-13 20:22


各位亲爱的可友们,我们飞往美国西雅图的航班还有10分钟就抵达目的地了,我是本次航班的乘务长Juliet。借这10分钟,我再和大家聊聊与get on one's case和be on one's case意思相同或者是相近的片语。

1. The coach cussed out the team for losing the game. 教练由于队员输了把他们痛斥了一顿。

注解:cuss [kʌs] means "to swear at sb'. 中文意思是咒骂,诅咒,辱骂,恶言相问
。What's more, it is old-fashioned. 这个词在就旧时候广为流行使用。例如:My dad used to come home drunk, shouting and cussing. 我父亲过去常常喝醉酒回家,大喊大骂。与之相关的一个习语是 not give a cuss (about sb/sth) 。It means "be completely unworried". 中文意思是一点不在乎。例如:I don't give a cuss about what he thinks. 我对于他的想法毫不介意。

2. The old man reviled corruption. 那老人痛斥了贪污舞弊。

注解:Revile means "to criticize sb/sth in a way that shows how much you dislike them
". 中文意思是痛斥, 谩骂(某人某事物)。它的用法是revile sb (for sth / for doing sth)。 Her father really reviled her for her breaking the expensive dishes. 她打破了非常昂贵的盘子,父亲痛斥了她一顿。

3. The boss really chewed us up yesterday because of what we did. 我们干的事,老板昨天的确把我们痛斥一顿。

注解:Chew是咀嚼的意思。Chew sth up是嚼碎东西的意思。例如:Chew your food well before you swallow it. 食物要先嚼烂再下咽. 在例句中用了其引申义,引申为用嘴说别人的不是的意思。

4. My wife went for me because I was late for dinner. 由于我赴宴迟到遭到妻子的痛斥。

注解:Go for这个短语有很多意思其中就有攻击,袭击的意思。

5.She gave him a good dressing down. 她给了他一顿痛斥。

注解:Give sb a dressing down是由dress down这个短语变异而来,和我们讲过的tell off的变异形式一模一样。

6. He stood on the steps raving at the enemies. 他站在台阶上对敌人高声痛斥。

注解:Rave means "talk wildly or furiously as if in a fever or mad ". 中文意思是胡言乱语; 说胡话; 说疯话;咆哮。它的用法是rave (at/against sb/sth about sb/sth),意思是因某事而咆哮某人。例如:The patient began to rave at the nurses about their attitudes to him. 病人因护士对她的态度不好而咆哮护士。

7. He got the rap for our mistake. 他因我们的错误而受到责备。

注解:Rap是责骂,厉声说出的意思。Get a rap for sth意思是因某事而遭到责备。那么give sb a rap for sth意思因某事而责骂某人。例如:The coach gave his team a severe rap for losing 3 to 0 at half-time . 上半场三比零失利,教练把队员们痛斥了一顿。He got a rap on the knuckles for his bad work. 他因干得糟糕而受责备。

8. They may even accuse the child of disloyalty. 他们甚至责备孩子不忠诚。

注解:Accuse sb of sth意思是因某事而责骂、谴责某人。再如: Do other people accuse you of being self-centered?有人指责你太以自我为中心吗?。If you do good , people will accuse you of selfish. 如果你做善事,人们说你自私自利、别有用心。Accuse sb of sth还有指控,控告的意思。例如:You can accuse him of his bad action. 你可以控告他的这种恶劣行为。

9. The chairman taxed him for his constant lateness. 主席责备他总是迟到。

注解:Tax是责骂的意思,它的用法tax sb for sth.

10. He got choked off for doing something wrong. 他因做错了事而受到责备。

注解:choked是恼怒,生气的意思。Get chocked off for sth意思是因某事而受到责备


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  • coachn. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱 v
  • fevern. 发烧,发热,狂热 v. (使)发烧,(使)狂热
  • accusev. 指责,控告,谴责
  • disloyaltyn. 不忠实
  • revilev. 辱骂,斥责
  • criticizevt. 批评,吹毛求疵,非难 vi. 批评
  • swallown. 燕子,吞咽,一次吞咽的量 vt. 吞下,咽下,忍受
  • corruptionn. 腐败,堕落,贪污
  • dislikev. 不喜欢,厌恶 n. 不喜爱,厌恶,反感
  • chewvt. 咀嚼,嚼碎,损坏 vi. 咀嚼 n. 咀嚼,咀嚼