可可早间课堂第28期:The cat's out of the bag.
日期:2011-04-19 12:19


First of all , let's have a review. Last time we learned "The cat's out of the bag." which means "to tell a secret and make many people know it ". And today I want to emphasize that the secrete told by someone is a great and an important one and it's uncover careless and by mistake. We should get knowledge of it more carefully and exactly so that we can make an exact use of it. 今天我想强调一点的是我们昨天学的习语使用的情景。这个被传开的秘密是个很大的秘密很重要的秘密,而且泄露出去时无意的,不是有意的。If have an intention to tell a secret, we cannot use it. 如果你是恶意传出去的,就不能用这个句子了。The cat's out of the bag is similar to saying in Chinese: 秘密被传开了;秘密被揭穿了;泄露了天机。Something like those above.

Alright , let's come to the dialogue study. Please write down the key phrases while listening to the recording.
A: That movie star and his wife are divorcing.
B : The cat's out of the bag. Now everyone knows.

The following phrases should be underlined.
1 a movie star 电影明星
2 out of the bag 从袋子遛出来

1 That movie star and his wife are divorcing.
"Divorce" is the key word in this sentence which means "end your marriage legally". For example: She is divorcing her husband.他正在和她的丈夫闹离婚。这个句子也可是这样说:She and her husband are divorcing. They are getting divorced. 他们要离婚了。 Divorced 是动词 divorce 的过去分词,现在已经作为形容词用了。意思是:离婚的,脱离的。As for “脱离”二字,here's a set phrase--divorce something or somebody from something. But this phrase is often used in passive voice. It means "separate a person, an idea, a subject, etc. from something."意思是:使分离,使脱离。For example: I think that art should be divorced from politics. 我认为艺术应该与政治分开。When she was depressed, she felt utterly divorced from reality. 当她沮丧时,她感到与现实完全脱离。

2 The cat's out of the bag.
1 We have many idioms with the word "bag". Such as: "A bag of bone" means "a person or an animal are very thin". 意思是:瘦骨的人或动物。For example: A woman, a bag of bone, isn't a beauty in Tang Dynasty. 在唐朝,瘦的女人并不是美女。As we know, it was regarded as a beauty that a woman should be a littel fatter in Tang Dynasty, such as :杨贵妃。“Be in the bag”means "be almost certain to be won or achieved". 意思是:十拿九稳,稳操胜券。We've got the match in the bag. 这次比赛我们已稳操胜券。 “Bag and baggage ”means "with all your possessions, especially secretly or suddenly". For example: He threw her onto the street, bag and baggage. 他突然把它连人带物的仍到了街上。We should pay attention to the use of “bag and baggage”. It’s used as adverbial , equaling to preposition, 作为伴随状况状语。“One‘s bag”means something that somebody’s interested in and good at. 意思是:爱好的东西,感兴趣的东西。For example: Ballet is my bag. 芭蕾舞是我擅长的东西。
2 There are many idioms which is relative with "cat". Such as: "To be the cat's whisker" mean" to be the best thing, person idea, etc." 意思是:最棒的东西、人或注意等。For example: She thinks she is the cat's whisker. (= She has a high opinion of herself.) 她自以为了不起。“Like a cat on hot bricks”means "to be very nervouse". 意思是:坐如针毡,局促不安,热锅上的蚂蚁。For example: She is like cat on hot bricks before every final examination. 她在期末考试前紧张不安。Here is a very interesting sentence: When the cat's away the mice will play. It means "people enjoy theirselves and behave greater freedom when the person in charge of them is not there." 意思是:管事的人不在,下面的人玩得痛快。

Today we've learnt many useful idioms. And now let's put it into practice. It's the best way to see if you really master the phrases by creating a situational dialogue. I'll give you a situation and you are asked to make a dialogue. 请看下面的情景【公司的Jane对下属很严厉,下属很恨她,很多事情都不告诉她】Think it over and the suggestive answer is about to be given later.

A: Jane is a bag of bone. I don’t think she’s hot.
B: Shall we kiss her ass for report has it that she’ll be promoted to a General Manager.
C: Oh, my gosh. If so, we will be like a cat on hot bricks and we even don’t have a tea break. She’s too hard on us and a hard nut to crack. You see, now she is even an apple of the boss and she's always thinking she is a cat's whisker.
D: Don't worry about it. Don’t you know when the cat’s away, the mice will play. However, we shouldn't be one to kiss and tell.

A: 简那么瘦,我并不认为她有魅力。
B: 我们现在要拍拍简的马屁,据说他升为总经理之事是稳操胜券了。
C: 天啊,如果真的,我们就坐如针毡了,我们将连工间喝茶的时间都没有。她对我们太严厉了,是个不好说话的人。你瞧,他现在还只是老板的宠儿,就洋洋自得。
D: 别急,难道你不知猫不在老鼠就玩呗,他不在我们就尽情的玩,可是我们中间不能有高密的人哦。

  • suggestiveadj. 提示性的,影射的,暗示的
  • intentionn. 意图,意向,目的
  • crackv. 崩溃,失去控制,压碎,使裂开,破解,开玩笑 n.
  • uncovervt. 揭开,揭露
  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v
  • emphasizevt. 强调,着重
  • carelessadj. 粗心的,疏忽的 n. 不关心的,粗心的[反]a
  • secretev. 隐秘,隐藏,隐匿 v. 分泌
  • balletn. 芭蕾舞
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某