Hi, everyone! This is Keke Net English. Welcome to Juliet’s Morning English Class. As a saying runs, An hour is worth two in the evening. And another saying goes, An early bird catches the worm. So what are you going to get at this morning? Do follow me and I am hoping that we can spend a wonderful and meaningful time here.
We’ve a way of expressing that something’s been understood and no more explanation’s necessary. It is similar to saying, Yes, I see what you mean. It’s a very simple sentence including three words. Guess what it is. Let’s listen to the following mini situational dialogue to get the answer.
(Scene:It happens between two co-workers who are discussing something. )
John:Will you be willing to substitute for me at work tomorrow?
Mary:Yeah. Say no more. I know it’s your daughter’s birthday.
Have you got the answer? It is Say no more. It shows A person’s agreeing to do something. The Chinese for it is—你什么意思不用说我也知道。or 不用多说,我知道了。
Tip 1: To substitute means to act or serve as a substitute . For example: Can you substitute for me at the meeting?(译文:你代我去开会好吗?)
To substitute for somebody means go to do ( something ) instead of somebody. So the above sentence can be said in this way——Can you go instead of me at the meeting?
Tip 2: At work means to be busy doing something. For another example:
He is still at work on the painting.
Another situational dialogue, let’s have a look at:
(Scene:It happens between a couple who seem argue about something. But actually not.)
Rose:Darling, sorry I cannot make time to go shopping with you this weekend.
Richard:Say no more. You need to get my car repaired. I will go myself.
And here are two sentences well-picked from hit American films or TV series, let’s take a look at:
1.Well, say no more. You know it takes guts to bring this up.
Tips 1: To takeguts means to have courage or to be brave. For another example:
It takes a lot of guts to climb the Alps.
Tip 2: To bring something up means to speak out something, or to speak of something. For another example:
I shouldn’t have brought out the matter last night.
2.Got it. Say no more. Really say no more.
Today we’ve learned one short sentence used in spoken English. It is Say no more. And by the way, we’ve learned four useful phrases:to substitute for somebody,to be at work (on something),take guts,bring something up (or bring up something).
Let’s call it day and be an early bird tomorrow morning to watch over Juliet Morning English Class from Keke Net English. Thank you for your today’s participation in today’s study activity. Juliet’s here. See you next time.
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