早间课堂219期:话说地道美语 Lesson 25(1)
日期:2012-02-11 21:29



各位亲爱的朋友们,欢迎再次乘坐话说地道美语的航班,我是此航班乘务长Juliet。在本次航程中,我们的话聊室要聊的主题依然是美国亲少年初涉人生的问题,美国家长并不是完完全全都满足孩子在物质上的需求,他们通过让孩子自己去找工作,自力更生,从而使孩子体会到金钱来之不易。那么,今天我们就来看看美国青少年是如何找工作的。由此,我们将学到2个地道的美语表达。 So , how do American teenagers get a job? 先听我先唠叨2句:

At first, teenagers have cold feet because they lack confidence to go job hunting. They often find a friend who has a job and ask for advice. If they are lucky, their friend will help them get their foot in the door where he works.

So, how do American teenagers get a job? 那么,先听我来讲2个含有foot的习语再说。

1. have cold feet

望文生义,它的意思就是有冰冷的脚。但是老美用之表示not brave enough to do something。中文意思是开始胆怯,临阵退缩,开始失去勇气。有部电影的名字就叫做Have Cold Feet,中文是《冰冷的脚》。其实我们中文中也有相同的字眼来表示这个意思,我经常在参加重大比赛时,临上场时会说我现在手脚冰冷得发抖。这句话就是用来表示我们有点怯场。我们通过下面的例句来熟悉这个习语的意思和运用。

Eg. Every actor have cold feet just before the begin of a show.


Eg. There's no reason for you to have cold feet. You're going to do great.


Eg. I get cold feet whenever I have to speak in front of a crowd.


此外,have cold feet中的动词可以用get,即:get cold feet

2. foot in the door

望文生义,它的意思走进门槛的一步。在美语中它的意思是the first opportunity to work or do sth that is important for one's career。 中文意思是成功的开始,得到 ... 的第一步。Foot in the door是一个名词性短语,它通常与动词get连用,即:get one's foot in the door。意思就是获得了第一次工作机会,获得了成功的第一步,由此引申为有幸加入某行业或组织的意思。这也和我们中文中的字眼有相似之处。我们尝试着做什么事情做有点成就了,我们会松一口气说:嘿,我终于打开了门路,意思就是我们正处于成功的开始。我们通过下面的例句来熟悉它的意思和用法。

Eg. I've got my foot in the door of the computer industry.From now on, it should be easy to succeed.


Eg. It' s difficult to get a foot in the door of publishing.


Eg. Now we've got a foot in the door, we are hoping to open up a big market in China.


好,亲爱的朋友们,我们本次航班已经抵达目的地。那么美国青少年究竟是如何找工作的呢?How do American teenagers get a job? 我想您通过以上习语的学习,会知道答案了。感谢您乘坐此次航班,欢迎再次乘坐话说地道美语的航班,我们下次再会了。



At first, teenagers have cold feet because they lack confidence to go job hunting. They often find a friend who has a job and ask for advice. If they are lucky, their friend will help them get their foot in the door where he works.


1. 我申请了一所顶级商学院,并已接到电话通知我去面试,但我却打起了退堂鼓。

2. 下面这些问题是在面试中经常会被问到的,如果您对它早有准备,就不会临阵慌忙。

课后习题3:Reading Comprehension:

1. Why do people have cold feet when they they have to go job hunting?

2. How can a person , who is looking for a job,get his foot in the door?





1. I applied to a leading business school and have been called for interview but I am getting cold feet.

2. The following question is often asked in the interview and if you prepare well, you would not get cold feet.


1. Because they are not inexperienced or don't have confidence in themselves.

2. Find a person who is an employee at the place where he wants to work and asks him for advice about how to get hired, and to introduce him to the manager.

  • confidenceadj. 骗得信任的 n. 信任,信心,把握
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • interviewn. 接见,会见,面试,面谈 vt. 接见,采访,对 .
  • employeen. 雇员