日期:2012-07-10 21:15



►Has Phil made his peace with Rosemary or are you still arguing?

►The couple made peace with each other after the quarrel.


►Has Philmade his peacewith Rosemary or are you still arguing?

►The couplemade peacewith each other after the quarrel.

好,那么,在我们刚才听到的2个句子中,我们都可以听到同一个词语:make peace 。短语中的make是制造缔造的意思,peace是指和平。Make peace直译的话,就是缔造和平的意思,也就是讲和言归于好和解的意思。如果我们要表述与某人言归于好,与某人和解,与某人讲和,在短语的后面加上介词with即可,即:make peace with somebody.


1.John really wants tomake peace withthe enemy.John真心希望能与敌国和平共处。

2.It's no good asking me tomake peace withthose bad guys: I just can't!这会儿要我跟捣蛋的那些人讲和,没门儿!

3.She is trying tomake peace withher next door neighbors.她试图与隔壁邻居讲和。

4.Hemade his peace withthe Frenchman.他跟那个法国人讲和了。


►Has Phil made his peace with Rosemary or are you still arguing? Phil和Rosemary是和好了还是继续在争吵?

►The couple made peace with each other after the quarrel. 夫妇俩在吵架后有言归于好了。

今天的这招说言归于好是:make peace,意思是和解,讲和,言归于好。你如约守候收听节目,我也要守约,上回我说了今天我连抛2个招说言归于好,那么第二招是什么呢?很简答,我们还是先来听下面的2个句子:

►Through you had a quarrel with Tom, you couldmake friendsagain.

►We both agreed tomake friendsagain after arguing.

好,显而易见,这两句话中用到的是这个词语:make friends again。

► Through you had a quarrel with Tom, you could make friends again. 尽管你和Tom吵了一架,但是你会和他和好的。

► We both agreed to make friends again after arguing. 争论之后,我们双方都表示愿意和解。

A saying goes, "Amiability is highly valued." (常言道:与和为贵。)希望我们都在快乐中生活,而不是在真吵所带给我们的烦恼中生活。。如果我们与他人Breakup,后来我们又Reconciliation,接下来我们就会Cooperation。那么下回我们就进入合作这个话题。我们就下次再见吧。


  • quarreln. 吵架,争论,怨言 vi. 吵架,争论,挑剔
  • cooperationn. 合作,协作
  • reconciliationn. 调和,和解 n. [会]对账