可可早间课堂第68期:If it had not been for,,,
日期:2011-06-15 23:23



Last time we learned a sentence pattern which is : If + S had done, S should have done.这个句式是表示假设一个人在过去做某事或是处于某种状态,这个人或者是另外一个人本应该这样做但是而没有这样做。


1 如果他那时赖账,你就应该通过法律渠道处理,而不是跟他硬拼致使两败俱伤。

If he had repudiated a debt, you should have taken him into court rather than having a desperate fight with him to go blind.

2 如果那时候我知道我的女儿在钢琴上很有天赋,我就该加班加点挣钱为她买台钢琴。

If I had been aware of my daughter's genius in playing piano, I should have worked overtime to buy a piano for her.


And this morning I would like to share a new sentence pattern with you. It is : If it had not been for... , S wouldn't ( couldn't might not) have done. 这个句式是表示在过去(某人或某事)要不是如何, 某人或某事就不会(不能够,不可能)有过去的结果。如果我们假设现在某人或某事要不是如何, 某人或某事就不会(不能够,不可能)有现在的结果。The sentence pattern is : If S weren't for... , S wouldn't( couldn't, might not) do. What's more, we can make it a sentence in inverted order when talking of it. 那么同样在今天的句型中,可以使用倒装句式。The sentence structure is: Had it not been for..., S wouldn't (couldn't , might not) have done. 如何倒装呢?还是“两步曲”:一是把if省略,二是把had提到句首,其余语序均不变。

Mary 可说是教学上的“泰斗”,可是一向教学很差的Tin就成了政教主任了,Mary心里有些不平衡就和同事Jenny聊起了此事。Jenny告诉她如果想当官的话,要经常到领导家中走走坐坐,光靠自己的教学实力还是不够的。Mary就真这样做了近半年,果然当上了副校长。她不由感叹道:If it hadn't been for Jenny, I wouldn't have understood it. 要不是没有Jenny,我是不好明白这个的。此句话言外之意就是:Just because of Jenny's advice I knew how should I behave for a promotion. 正是因为有了她的建议,我才知道提升当官还有这门学问的。我们来看一下倒装句:Had it not been for Jenny, I wouldn't have understood it.

Juliet是个舞蹈者,练功过于勤奋,那会儿把腰给弄着了,疼痛不已,站不直也蹲不下,由于母亲的细心照料,很快就好了,没有留下后遗症。当现在的圈内人说她真会保养,没有留下职业病时,她说:If it weren't for my mother's meticulous care, I might not have gotten right so soon. 如果没有我母亲的悉心照顾,我是不好得那么快的。此句话言外之意就是:Just because of my mother's meticulous care I got well so soon. 我们来看一下倒装句:Had it not for my mother's meticulous care, I might not have gotten right so soon.


Please translate the following sentences into English in two ways.

1 要不是有你及时的帮助,我们会陷入严重的困境。

2 要不是你当时及时控制住了你的情绪,你或许会做出傻事儿出来。

3 要不是有他们的支持,我们是不会获得选举的。

4 要不是你当年不努力读书,你那时就是个大学生了。



  • promotionn. 晋升,促进,提升
  • patternn. 图案,式样,典范,模式,型 v. 以图案装饰,仿造
  • geniusn. 天才,天赋
  • tinn. 罐头,锡,听头 adj. 锡制的 vt. 镀锡于
  • invertedadj. 倒转的,反向的 v. 使…反向;颠倒(inve
  • desperateadj. 绝望的,不顾一切的
  • meticulousadj. 一丝不苟的,精确的