Hi, everyone. This is Keke Net English. Welcome to Juliet’s Morning English Class. As a saying goes,An hour is worth two in the evening. And as another saying goes, An early bird catches a worm. So, what’s your harvest for this morning? Do follow me and I’m hoping we can spend a wonderful and meaningful time here.
We have a way of indicating an idea or meaning’s been understood. It’s a way to say I understand now. Guess what it is. Let’s listen to the following mini situational dialogue to get the answer.
(Scene:It happens between a responsible mother and a cleaver son.)
Mother:Do you need more help understanding your homework?
Son:No. Thank you.I got itnow.
Have you got the answer? It is I got it. It’s similar to saying in Chinese——明白你的话了,知道了,听懂了。A person or matter can be put after the word——get. To get somebody or something here means to understand somebody or something. For example:
1. I don'tget you (or get your meaning).
2.She didn't get the joke.
3.I don't get it; why would she do a thing like that?
Another situational dialogue, let’s take a look at:
A:I think I’m going to be sick.
B:I got it. Go get some fresh air.
If someone asks you, Have you got it. You could answer like this——You got it. The Chinese for it is 知道了。Here is an another mini situational dialogue.
(Scene:It happens between Mary and John who are close friends.)
Mary:Can I borrow your CD player tomorrow?
John:You got it. I’d glad to lend it to you.
Next I need your cooperation. Be active and answer my questions. Fist of all, I give you my questions. They are a follows:
1.What does the mother want to do?
2.Does her son need his mother’s help?
3.What does Marry ask for?And what does she do?
Now listen to the two dialogues again.
Dialogue 1:
Mother:Do you need more help understanding your homework?
Son:No.Thank you. I got it now.
Dialogue 2:
Mary:Can I borrow your CD player tomorrow?
John:You got it. I’d glad to lend it to you.
Theanswersare as follows:
1.The mother want to help her son with his homework.
2.No, he doesn’t.
3.Mary asks for a CD player and goes to the John to borrow it.
Today we’ve learnt two short sentences which are used in spoken English. One is——I get it.The other is——You got it.
Well, let’s call it a day and be an early bird tomorrow morning to watch over Juliet’s Morning English Class from Keke Net English. Juliet’s here. Thank you for your participation in today’s study activity. See you next time.
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