可可早间课堂第54期:Look me in the eye and say somethi
日期:2011-06-06 18:27


Morning!I am Juliet. Nice to meet you through network. Hope we could spend a wonderful morning together. An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening.
一天之计在于晨,若您有个美好晨间生活,相信您一天的生活都是美好的。A hard beginning makes a good ending. 常言道:善始善终。

Last time we learned a special way to ask somebody to tell the truth. It is "Look somebody in the eye and say something." And this morning we are going to pay extensive attention to the short simple situational dialogue. Maybe someone thinks Juliet is a hair-splitter. However , I want to ask you some questions and examine if you know or not.

1 Could you just tell me how many uses of the set phrase"come on"has, please? And in this dialogue what does it mean? What's more, make an explaination in English.

2 Could you just explain "just" in this dialogue and tell me how to put"实是不好"“我只是想......”“......并不意味着(代表着)......”with just in English, please?

3 Could you write down every word exactly while listening to me to read this dialogue, please?

(1) Come on, Tracy. Jenny and I are just friends.
[k'mɔn 'dræci] ['dʒeniədaiə'dʒʌ'frendz]

(2) Look me in the eye and tell me nothing happened when you went to her house.



1 come on 这个意群在影视脚本中写成c'mon,因此发音为[k'mɔn]这个《老友记》中第一季第一集的开篇就可以看到。

2 Jenny and I are 这个意群中的and 是以辅音[d]结尾,I的发音为元音[ai],连读为[dai]。I和are在影视脚本中写为I'er, 发音为[aiə]。因此这个意群整体发音为['dʒeniən'daiə]。

3 look me in the eye 这个意群中me是以长元音[i:]结尾,in则以短元音[i]开头,这两个元音的连读在其中间加上辅音[j], 因此是[mi:jin]。The 是以单元音[ə]结尾,eye是以双元音[ai]开头,这两个元音在一起连读中间加上辅音[w], 连读为[ðə'(w)ai].

4 tell me nothing happened 这个意群中的tell和happened中的清辅音[t] [p]在元音小[e]和大蝴蝶[æ]前分别浊化为浊辅音[d][b], 因此发音为[del] ['hæbənd].

5 when you went to her house 这个意群中,when是以辅音[n]结尾,you的发音为半元音[ju:] 连读为[hwenju:]。Went to 发音为[wendə]。Her,his等等物主代词中的[h]的发音可以不发,因此her的发音为长元音[ə:],那么前面的[wendə]以元音[ə]结尾,这个两个元音的连读之间加上辅音[w]。因此整个意群读音为['wendə(w)ə'hauz]。


"Come on" in this sentence is used to show that you know what somebody has said isn't correct
. It's similar to saying in Chines:得了吧, 算了吧。在本句中,用于表示知道某人所说的话不正确。And it can be also used to order somebody to hurry and encourage someone to try harder. It's similar to saying in Chinese: 快点!加油!加把劲儿!Come on还可以用于命令别人抓紧时间或者是鼓励别人再次尝试做失败的事情。For example: Come on. We haven't got a day. (快点!我们时间不多。) Come on! Try once more. (加把劲儿,再试一次。)

In every programme of mine, you can hear "let's come to the key words", "Let's come to the grammar" etc. The phrase "come to something" means "start talking about a subject". 开始讨论(某一话题)。For example: I would like to come to that question later. (我想以后再谈那个问题。)

If we put "on" before "to" and change "something" to "someboy", it is " come on to somebody" which is an idiom that means "to behave in a way that shows you want to have a sexual relationship with him". 勾引,勾搭(想和某人发生性关系)。It's similar to saying in Chinese: 吃豆腐。对某人轻薄。He tried to come on to me during the party. 他在宴会期间力图亲近我. Get out of my face, now way! If we delete on, it is "come on somebody" which means meet somebody by chance. 偶遇。It can be also said as "come upon somebody" "run into somebody""happen to somebody""stumble across somebody" and so on.

In this sentence "just" means "only". 仅仅是,只是。This essay is just not good enough. 这篇文章实在是不好。"Just not good enough" means" very bad". I didn't mean to upset you, it's just that I had to tell somebody. 我本不想打扰你,只是我想找个人说说而已。Here's a sentence pattern : It's just that... 只是想......。Just because you are older than me doesn't mean you know everything. (你年龄比我大但是并不意味着你什么都知道。) here's a sentence pattern: Just because + 从句+ doesn't mean + 从句。意思是:.......并不是意味着(代表着)......。


Please translate the following dialogues and sentences into English.

Dialogues 1
—— 你才我今天在超市遇到谁了?
—— 是你的前夫吧。
—— 不是,是以前和他鬼混的那个女人。
—— 那人真是个贱女人,拆散了别人的家庭,只是Rose在不完整的家庭中成长。
—— 哎,算了,过去的就过去了吧。

Dialogue 2
—— 你怎么啦? 你哭了。
—— 我真是太激动过了!我今天在桂林饭店遇到了我的亲姐姐,我还以为她早就在战乱中丧生了。

1 我喊:“加油,伦敦队。”几乎把嗓子都喊哑了。

2 我要你在十一点以前干完。还等什么?赶紧动手!

3 快点吧, 你们这些小伙子, 咱们动手干吧!

4 得了吧, 你这样做不公平.

5 算了罢,你把它当做儿戏了!

6 得啦! 看一晚上戏不会倾家荡产的.

7 来吧,振作起来; 你喝得太多了!

8 来,把它用明白的语言说出来。

9 好啦, 快点儿吧, 我们已经晚啦.

10 振作些!不要坐在那里做白日梦。



  • extensiveadj. 广泛的,广阔的,广大的
  • phrasen. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句 vt. 措词表达,将(
  • stumblen. 绊倒,失策 vi. 绊倒,失策,踌躇,无意中发现
  • upsetadj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的 v. 推翻,翻倒,扰乱
  • patternn. 图案,式样,典范,模式,型 v. 以图案装饰,仿造
  • encouragevt. 鼓励,促进,支持
  • networkn. 网络,网状物,网状系统 vt. (以网络)覆