可可早间课堂第56期:What would you say?
日期:2011-06-09 17:33


Morning!I am Juliet. Nice to meet you through network. Hope we could spend a wonderful morning together. An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening. 一天之计在于晨,若您有个美好晨间生活,相信您一天的生活都是美好的。A hard beginning makes a good ending. 常言道:善始善终。

Last time we learned an expression "What do you say?" which is a way to ask for an agreement. At the end of the programme, I left some translation exercises and now I'll let the answers out in the open.

1 今晚出去看戏,你说好吗?
What do you say to going to the theatre tonight?

2 去散会儿步怎么样?
What do you say to a short walk.

3 要是你能干你就前途无量!你觉得呢?
If you are on the ball, the sky's limit. What do you say?

4 我们就此算了吧,你说呢?
What do you say let's call it quits?

5 我们在周末开个派对,你觉得怎么样?
What do you say we'll have a party this weekend.

6 那就不一样了,你说呢?
It won't be the same. What do you say?

7 我们去吃点东西,你看怎么样?
What do you say we go get a bite to eat?

8 我主张这一项展缓,你看怎么样
I propose we shelve this suggestion for the time being. What do you say?

9 你说对不对:我们犯不着去打这些小算盘?

What do you say to that we'er just wasting our time messing around with these odds and ends?

Old Chen thought for a moment,' What do you say my telling to Mr.Wang ?


This morning I would like to share an expression which is used when people are talking about something is possible. It's similar to saying"If that happened , what do you react?" what's it? Let's get the answer in the following dialogue.

A : What would you say if someone offered you a job on the stock market?
B : I'd probably turn it down because it would be stressful.

A: 如果有人让你去证劵公司工作,你怎么办?
B : 压力太大,我会拒绝的。

It is "What would you say?" 译为:(若某事发生的话)你怎么办?你怎么说?

1 What do you say to bringing over your children and letting them hang out with mine some time. ( 有时间带孩子来我家和我的孩子一起玩儿,怎么样?) Here's a sentence pattern: What do you say to + ving. 意为:做某事,怎么样?
2 What would you say if she stayed up with us all night? ( 如果她和我们一起熬夜,你怎么想?) Here's a sentence pattern: What would you say if + s+v. 意思是:若是.......发生的话,你怎么办?


Please translate the following sentences into English.

1 假设你父亲现在看到了你,你该怎么说?





6 和一位陌生人同住一间寝室您会怎么说?

7 请你帮我粉刷一下墙怎么样?

8 倘若我告诉你,我们的计划已经被取消了,你会有什么意见?


10 倘若我告诉你,我不能和你一起去,你会有什么意见?



  • reactvt. 作出反应 vi. 起反应,起作用,反攻
  • networkn. 网络,网状物,网状系统 vt. (以网络)覆
  • patternn. 图案,式样,典范,模式,型 v. 以图案装饰,仿造
  • stockn. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜 adj
  • stressfuladj. 紧张的,压力重的