This is Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.
Travel the U.S. and you'll hear English spoken in a multitude of ways. And it turns out the same can go for songbirds—specifically the swamp sparrow. (swamp sparrow sound)
Scientists have now used those swamp sparrow regional "dialects," together with computer simulations, to extrapolate how the sparrow's songs have changed and evolved over time. And they found that certain song motifs could date back hundreds, even thousands of years.
"That's where, frankly, it blew me away, I have to say." Steve Nowicki, a biologist at Duke University. "If Leif Erikson had taken time once he discovered North America to get as far in as northwestern Pennsylvania, where I just was last week, he would have heard some—not many, but some of the same song types I was just listening to."
The study is in the journal Nature Communications.
Passing learned information from generation to generation—that sounds a whole lot like culture.
"It is culture. These birds are showing a persistence of cultural tradition that is heretofore unknown and, you know, sort of matches that of the best cultural persistence we might see in human culture."
But sparrows aren't as cognitively complex as humans, he says, implying that you don't need human-type smarts to develop cultural traditions.
Thanks for listening for Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.
在美国旅行时,你会听到多种英语口音 。现在人们发现,鸣禽的叫声同样也有多种口音——尤其是沼泽带鹀 。(沼泽带鹀的叫声)
现在,科学家用这些沼泽带鹀的地域“方言”和计算机模拟技术,来推断这些鸟儿的叫声如何随着时间而改变和进化 。他们发现,某些鸣叫主题可以追溯到几百年甚至是几千年前 。
“坦率地说,这就是令我震惊的地方 。”杜克大学的生物学家史蒂夫·诺维奇说到 。“我上周去了宾夕法尼亚州西北部地区,如果雷夫·埃里克森在发现北美大陆并抵达遥远的宾夕法尼亚州西北部地区时,能不那么着急并在那里多花些时间,那他就会听到一些——不是很多,但他会听到与我上周听到的一样的鸟鸣声 。”
这项研究发表在《自然·通讯》期刊上 。
将学习到的知识代代相传——这听上去很像“文化” 。
“这的确是文化 。这些鸟展示了一种迄今为止未知的文化传统的延续,这可以与我们在人类文化中见过的最好的文化延续相媲美 。”
但是,他说,沼泽带鹀的认知复杂程度不及人类,这意味着它们无需人类的智慧程度,就能发展文化传统 。
谢谢大家收听科学美国人——60秒科学 。我是克里斯托弗·因塔利亚塔 。
1. go for 适用于;
The same goes for big banks, which are protected against big losses yet able to retain their profits.
同样的道理适用于受到保护、免于巨大损失、还能保留利润的大银行 。
2. together with 连同…一起;还有;加之;
Every month we'll deliver the very best articles, to gether with the latest fashion and beauty news.
每个月我们都登载最好的文章,还有最新的时尚美容资讯 。
3. date back 追溯(到);开始(于);始造(或建)(于);
This tradition dates back over 200 years.
这一传统可追溯到200多年以前 。
4. blow away 使印象深刻;
I was blown away by the tone and the quality of the story.
这个故事的基调和内容打动了我 。