Hi, I'm Scientific American podcast editor Steve Mirsky. And here's a short piece from the April issue of the magazine, in the section we call Advances: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Science, Technology and Medicine:
Nature and Nurture by Jason G. Goldman
How do young children understand the natural world? Most research into this question has focused on urban, white, middle-class American children living near large universities. Even when psychologists include kids from other communities, too often they use experimental procedures originally developed for urban children. Now researchers have developed a methodology for studying rural Native American kids' perspectives on nature and have compared their responses with those of their city-dwelling peers. The findings offer some rare cross-cultural insight into early childhood environmental education.
Northwestern University developmental psychologist Sandra Waxman and her colleagues have long collaborated with the Menominee, a Native American nation in Wisconsin. When the researchers presented plans for their study to tribe members who were trained research assistants, the assistants protested that the experiment—which involved watching children play with toy animals—was not culturally appropriate. Waxman said it does not make sense to the Menominee to think of animals as divorced from their ecological contexts.
Instead one of the Menominee researchers constructed a diorama that included realistic trees, grass and rocks, as well as the original toy animals. The researchers watched as three groups of four-year-olds played with the diorama: rural Menominee, as well as Native Americans and other Americans living in Chicago and its suburbs.
All three groups were more likely to enact realistic scenarios with the toy animals than imaginary scenarios. But both groups of Native American kids were more likely to imagine they were the animals rather than give the animals human attributes. And the rural Menominee were especially talkative during the experiment, contrary to previous research that characterized these children as less verbal than their non–Native American peers. The results were published last November in the Journal of Cognition and Development.
Iowa State University STEM scholars program director Corey Welch, who is a member of the Northern Cheyenne said, "the involvement of tribal communities in all aspects of the research—planning, design, execution, analysis and dissemination—has to be the minimum requirement of all research involving Native people."
《自然与培养》 作者:杰森·古德曼
儿童是如何理解自然世界的?大多数相关研究都关注住在大型大学附近的美国城市白人中产阶级儿童 。即使心理学家在研究时纳入其他儿童群体,他们使用的实验方法通常最初也是为城市儿童设计的 。现在,研究人员开发出一种方法,就美国原住民儿童对自然的看法进行研究,并将他们的回应与城市同龄儿童进行对比 。研究结果提供了某些珍贵的跨文化儿童早期教育观察 。
西北大学发展心理学家桑德拉·瓦克斯曼和同事长期与威斯康星州的美国原住民民族梅诺米尼人合作 。研究人员向部落成员中训练有素的研究助理提出研究计划时遭到了抗议,因为研究实验中包括观察儿童玩动物玩具,而这与部落文化不符 。瓦克斯曼表示,梅诺米尼人认为将动物与生态环境分离没有任何意义 。
作为替代,一名梅诺米尼研究员建造了一个模型,模型中有真实的树、草地、岩石以及原来的动物玩具 。研究人员对3组4岁儿童玩模型的情况进行了观察,这3组儿童分别是:乡村梅诺米尼人、美国原住民和住在芝加哥及近郊的其他美国儿童 。
与想象场景相比,3组都更喜欢在真实场景中玩动物玩具 。但是2个美国原住民儿童组都更喜欢将自己想象成动物,而不是将动物赋予人类属性 。在实验过程中,乡村梅诺米尼儿童尤其健谈,而这与此前的研究结果相反,之前研究称这些儿童没有非美国原住民同龄儿童健谈 。研究结果发表在《认知与发展》期刊上 。
科里·韦尔奇是爱荷华州大学科学、技术、工程、数学学者项目主任,也是北夏安族人,他说,“让部落群体参与到计划、设计、执行、分析和公布等研究的所有方面,是涉及原住民的所有研究的最低要求 。”
1. focus on 集中(注意力);关注;
The work should focus on helping parents to let go of their children.
工作应以协助父母放松对子女的管教为重点 。
2. make sense (行为方式)有道理,合乎情理;
It doesn't ma ke sense to argue with him.
和他争论没有任何意义 。
3. rather than 而非;胜于;而不是;
The zoo needed better management rather than more money.
这座动物园需要更好的管理,而不是更多的资金 。
4. contrary to 与…相反;
Contrary to popular belief , many cats dislike milk.
与普通的看法相反,许多猫不喜欢牛奶 。