If you've ever dined with a stuffy nose, you know that what you smell strongly influences what you taste. But what you see matters too. Even the color of a cup can trick your taste buds. That's according to research in the Journal of Sensory Studies.
如果你曾在吃饭时鼻子不透气,那么你肯定了解气味对味觉的影响有多强烈 。不过视觉也很重要 。即使是茶杯的颜色也会欺骗你的味蕾 。此观点来自于《感觉研究》杂志上的一项研究 。
Researchers prepared store-bought hot chocolate, and served it in red, orange, white and cream-colored cups to 57 volunteers. The study subjects rated the sweetness, aroma, flavor and overall likeability of each cup of cocoa. Turns out hot chocolate in the orange cup was rated more likable and "chocolaty" than the others—even though each cup had the same stuff.
研究人员准备了现成的热咖啡,把它们分别倒进红色、橙色、白色和奶油色的杯子里,然后分给57名志愿者品尝 。最后让受试者评价咖啡的甜、香、味以及整体讨人喜欢的程度 。结果证明,装在橙色杯子里的热咖啡更受大家喜爱,被评价为“更有巧克力味”,但实际上,每只杯子里的咖啡都一样 。
Previous studies also suggest color matters. Increasing the yellow hue of a 7-Up can, for example, makes people think the drink tastes more lemony. Likewise, researchers say the orange cup might enhance the chocolaty brown color of the cocoa, and enhance flavor. Since much more of the brain's cortex is devoted to vision than taste, what you see could matter as much as what your taste buds experience. So next time you're really savoring something, try feasting your eyes on something else—and see if the taste passes the test.
之前的研究也强调过颜色的重要性 。例如增强七喜饮料罐的黄色调,会让人们觉得饮料喝起来更有柠檬味 。同理,研究人员说道,橙色的杯子可能会加深咖啡的巧克力色,从而加深口味 。因为大脑皮层作用于视觉的部分更多,所以你所看到的可能跟你的味蕾体验到的同样重要 。下次你在品尝美食时,尝试着眼睛看其他东西——看味道是否还能通过考验 。