You know who you can't trust to report on government stewardship of the environment?
That government.
就是相关政府机构本身 。
For years Spain fudged its own fish catch numbers to protect the fishery business.
西班牙为保护本国渔业捏造自己的鱼类捕获数量已经有多年历史了 。
In 2007, New Zealand cut a negative chapter from its State of the Environment report.
2007年新西兰对其政府环境报告中的相关负面内容章节进行了删减 。
When challenged, officials decided simply to stop issuing the report.
当面临威胁,官员们就简单决定不发布类似的报告 。
That same year in the U.S. the Bush administration’s EPA concluded that climate change from greenhouse gas emissions was a serious threat.
同年在美国,布什政府环保署得出结论称温室气体排放导致气候变化已成为威胁人类生存的严重因素 。
So the White House refused to make the report public.
白宫因此拒绝公布该报告内容 。
Fortunately, the citizenry now has tools to fight such official duplicity.
幸运的是,公民们已经有应对这种官方两面派行为的办法了 。
Smartphones, cheap satellite imaging and crowdfunded enterprises have made oversight possible that was undreamt of by past transparency advocates, environmentalists and other interested parties.
智能手机,廉价的卫星图片以及民营机构已经有可能成为透明人士,环保主义者以及其他对此问题感兴趣的团体监督政府的利器 。
That's the argument made by Yale University researchers in the journal Nature.
这是耶鲁大学研究人员们在《自然》杂志上发表的相关文章 。
It's the same team who previously used satellite derived estimates to point out that New Delhi has smog as bad or worse than Beijing.
就是这一研究小组之前利用卫星估策数据指出新德里的雾霾严重程度甚至超过了北京 。
A wide range of smartphone apps could allow citizens to do everything from monitoring air and water quality to tracking ocean plankton populations from space.
智能手机应用程序的广泛使用使得公民们可以进行监控空气水源质量及追踪海洋浮游生物数量 。
Such decentralized data collection could even force governments to stay on the sustainability straight and narrow.
这一权力下放的数据收集甚至能迫使政府安分守己地坚持可持续发展 。
1.trust to 依靠,依赖
How do I know to trust to you?
He would not trust to this fine hand any longer.
他不再相信手里的这副好牌了 。
2.climate change 气候变化
Want to beat climate change?
Thanks to its slick design, drivers can make a statement about their style and climate change simultaneously.
由于它流畅漂亮的造型,驾驶者在环保出行的同时,还拥有了十足的时尚感 。
3.refuse to 拒绝
While there has been some agreement with banks over the haircut, nothing is official, so they can still refuse to participate.
虽然目前已经就减债问题和部分银行达成某种一致,但都是非正式的协议,因此银行仍有可能拒绝参与 。
Unless investment banks refuse to underwrite these kinds of shares, as they should, companies will continue to use them, whitehead says.
不过怀特海德指出,除非投行拒绝承销这类没有投票权的特殊股,否则企业还会继续发行它们 。
4.straight and narrow 中规中矩
It needs its central bank to keep it on the straight and narrow.
它需要它的中央银行保持他安分守己 。
Reputational risk for international accountants helps keep them on the straight and narrow.
国际会计师事务所面临的声誉风险有助于他们严格遵守法律 。