With more and more car accidents attributed to "distracted driving" it's become clear just how dangerous it can be to fiddle with your cell phone while behind the wheel. Now it seems more and more people are failing to safely use their mobile gadgets while walking.
归咎于“分心驾驶”的汽车事故越来越多 。很明显一手握方向盘,一手把玩手机是多么危险 。似乎越来越多的行人没有注意安全,在走路时使用手机 。
The number of distracted walkers injured seriously enough to be treated at hospital emergency rooms have more than quadrupled in the past seven years, according to the Associated Press.
据美联社报道,在过去7年里由于分心而受伤入院急诊的行人人数翻了两番 。
That's not even counting the untold incidents of stubbing your toe or doing that little trip-run move across the sidewalk.
那还没有算上过马路时,数不清的踩脚趾或者被绊了一个趔趄等事件 。
These hospital cases are people who get hit by cars, fall off curbs or even onto train tracks because they're too busy texting, surfing the Web or in some other way too distracted to watch where they're going. There were about 1,150 such incidents last year.
医院的这些病号都是在忙着发短信,浏览网页,或者在干其它使人分心的事情而无法专心看路时,被车撞倒摔在限行路缘上,甚至是摔在列车轨道上 。去年就发生了1150起这样的事件 。
There isn't any hard evidence yet that proves pedestrian gadget distraction increases the chances of pedestrian mishaps. Still, it's hard to argue with the anecdotal evidence available at the nearest street corner. Perhaps you've seen the video of the walker in California who's concentrating so hard on his mobile device that he almost bumps into a bear? Don't be that guy.
目前还没有确凿的证据证明,手机的干扰会增加灾祸发生的概率 。而且面对街头巷尾常见的轶事证据,也是有口莫辩 。在加利福利亚有一位行人太过专注于他的手机而差点撞到一只熊身上 。也许你看见过这个视频,但不要成为那个人 。