日期:2012-10-23 16:43



Quick: name a famous female scientist. If you said "Marie Curie," you're not alone. In fact, a lot of people can't think of a single other example. Well, England's Royal Society is fixing to rectify that. On Friday, October 19th, it's sponsoring a Wiki-editing marathon for articles about women in science.
Wikipedia is the go-to source for information on pretty much everything. But its coverage is a little light when it comes to the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and math. So the Royal Society is looking for volunteers with wi-fi and a bit of Wiki knowhow to create or enhance entries on female scientists.
维基百科是人们查找信息的重要来源,但涉及到女性在科学、技术、工程和数学方面取得的成就时,覆盖面却很低!eB0gw[H,(XMm。因此皇家学会在寻求能 wi-fi上网,稍懂维基的志愿者,帮忙创建或者丰富有关女科学家的词条|73mQX89zMD)FI_jcR=
Suggestions include Lilian Bland, the first woman to build and fly her own aircraft; Martha Ludwig, who helped solve the first protein crystal structure done in the US; and Barbara Crawford Johnson, the only woman to serve on the NASA team that engineered the moon landing.


You can take part in the effort using Twitter. The hashtag is #WomenSciWP. That's women-S-C-I-W-P. So give Marie Curie a well-earned rest and help other women in science get the wiki-recognition they deserve.
你可以通过维基参与进来~qtz6^L@z8!|Gsb。维基的标签是#WomenSciWP,即 women-S-C-I-W-PE-VZtu&m7du!。让居里夫人享受一下她应得的休息,让其他的女科学家们获得她们应得承认吧!

  • blandadj. 温和的,不油腻的,引不起兴趣的,平淡无奇的
  • aircraftn. 飞机
  • deservevi. 应该得到 vt. 应受,值得
  • proteinn. 蛋白质
  • solvev. 解决,解答
  • sourcen. 发源地,来源,原始资料
  • enhancevt. 提高,加强,增加
  • crystaln. 水晶,晶体 adj. 晶体的,透明的
  • rectifyvt. 订正,矫正,改正