New MacArthur Fellows announced today, commonly called the genius grants. Seven of the 21 fellows are mathematicians or scientists. And another is a science historian.
“My name is Pamela Long, and I'm a historian of 15th and 16th century Europe, of the history of science and technology and cultural history. So I'm interested in the processes that occur when infrastructure projects are undertaken…what I'm very interested in is the relationship between practitioners who understand engineering and have trained onsite to, say, repair bridges or repair aqueducts and learned people, people with university training…
“我的名字叫Pamela Long,我是个历史学家,专门研究欧洲15世纪到16世纪的科学史和文化史
。我对基础设施的建设过程感兴趣,对实习生之间的关系及有学问的大学生尤其感兴趣 。这些实习生懂得什么是工程,他们经过实地训练,参加过桥梁、沟渠等的修复工作 。”“So you have this communication between practitioners and learned people and I argue that that's important for the development of the new sciences. People call it the scientific revolution. It was a time when investigating the natural world, the methods shifted to empirical methods, to measurement and mathematical analysis, so engineering became part of learned culture in a sense, and that that broad context is important for the development of new methodologies.”
1.MacArthur Fellows 麦克阿瑟奖;天才奖
Should we be dismayed that the ranks of MacArthur Fellows again include no managers?
2.shift to 转移
But he argues that in the long term the focus must shift to conservation, efficiency, and more rational pricing so that city users pay their fair share.
但他认为,从长期来看,重点必须转移到保护、效率以及更加合理的定价,让城市使用者承担他们应该支付的份额 。
3.empirical methods实证研究法
Empirical methods in the field of the social sciences have been developed from verification to falsification.
社会科学领域中的实证研究方法经历了从证实到证伪的发展历程 。
4.in a sense 就某种意义来说
In a sense, she was lucky; she told herself that she learned things when she was with him.
在某种意义上讲,她又是幸运的;她心想,当她跟他在一起时她学到了许多 。