Are human beings inherently generous or selfish? A new study finds that when people have to make the choice instantly, their first impulse is cooperation—which indicates that generosity is innate. Only when they have more time to consider their choice do they behave more selfishly. The research is in the journal Nature.
无论是慷慨还是自私都是天生的吗?一项新的研究发现,当人不得不立即做出选择时,他们的第一个冲动就是合作——这表明慷慨是与生俱来的 。只有当他们有更多的时间来考虑时,就会表现地更自私 。这项研究发表在《自然》杂志上 。
In the study, researchers ran several tests in which each participant in a small group received money and then had to decide how much to invest in a shared group fund. The more time people had to choose how much to donate, the less they gave. Subjects told they had to make a decision within 10 seconds even gave more than others who were told they had to wait the same 10 seconds before deciding.
在试验中,研究人员进行了一些测试,即分给小组里的每个被试者一笔钱,然后让他们决定向共享基金投资多少钱?考虑的时间越长,他们投资的钱越少 。那些被告知必须在10秒内作出决定的受试者也比其他人(在考虑10秒之后再决定的受试者)投资的数目更多 。
Because snap decisions are based on intuition, the researchers concluded that generosity is the intuitive human response. But given time, we can reason our way to a more selfish decision.
因为瞬时决策建立在直觉的基础上,因此研究人员得出结论:慷慨是人类的本能反应 。但如果有时间,人们就会思考,做出更自私的决定 。
This intuitive cooperation might be either genetically hardwired, or a cultural construct. Either way, next time I run a fundraiser, I'm bringing a stopwatch.
这种直觉合作可能可能生来就有,也可能是一种文化构建 。不论怎样,下次遇到募捐活动,我就带个秒表去测时间 。