If you're plagued by werewolves, reach for the silver. And more mundane health problems may also respond well to the silver solution. Because a new study shows that microbes exposed to a pinch of the precious metal become more vulnerable to antibiotic attack. The research is in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
如果你深受狼人的困扰,那就伸手去拿银器吧 。尘世间的大多数健康问题都能在银溶液中得到体现 。一项新的研究显示接触过少量贵金属的微生物对抗生素的攻击更为敏感 。该研究论文已被刊登在了医学杂志《转化医学》上 。
Silver's long been a medical treatment. Hippocrates himself applied it to open wounds. But its use as a cure for contagion fell by the wayside with the discovery of penicillin, and the source of its bug-blasting abilities remained a mystery. Until now.
长久以来银一直被用于医疗 。医药之父希波克拉底自己也用它来治疗伤口 。但在用它治疗传染病时却半途而废了,因为中途发现了青霉素 。但直到现在,银有杀菌功效的缘由仍是一个未解之谜 。
Researchers treated E. coli bacteria with small amounts of silver. They found that the metal messes with the bugs' proteins, wreaking havoc on their metabolism. It also generates reactive chemicals that attack the microbes from within. All this weakens the bacteria's defenses, which allows other, more conventional antibiotics to slip in and do their work. Even killing microbes that were formerly antibiotic resistant.
研究人员用少量的银治疗大肠杆菌 。他们发现金属上混杂着细菌的蛋白质,这对细菌的新陈代谢来说是一场浩劫 。它还能产生活性化学物质,这种化学物质能从内部攻击微生物 。所有这些都削弱了细菌的抵抗能力,这就促使其它更传统的抗生素进入发挥功效 。即使是以前对抗生素有耐药性的细菌也会被杀死 。
Mice with fatal infections were also saved with a silver and antibiotic combo, and at doses that did the sick rodents no harm. This silver was delivered by injection. For werewolves, the preferred silver delivery system is still the bullet.
感染上致命疾病的老鼠也能被银和抗生素的组合救活,且剂量合适的话对生病的老鼠没有危害 。银是通过注射进入老鼠体内的 。对于狼人来说,这种首选的银治疗方案仍是致命的子弹 。